I'm using the following VBA code to order a template. if I try to use it on a 60000 rows it will only process the first row.
Please let me know if you know the reason... thanks!
I'm using the following VBA code to order a template. if I try to use it on a 60000 rows it will only process the first row.
Please let me know if you know the reason... thanks!
Option Explicit
Sub AddRowsSummary()
On Error GoTo ErrAddRowsSummary
Dim StartCol As String, EndCol As String, SourceDataCol As Long
Dim tmpCell1s As String, tmpCell2s As String
Dim tmpCell1d As String, tmpCell2d As String
Dim SourceWSName As String, DestWSName As String
Dim StartRow As Long, EndRow As Long, SourceStartRow As Long, RowCount As Long, LastRowForNewTable As Long
Dim SourceWS As Excel.Worksheet, DestWS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim TotalsRange As String, i As Integer
Dim AmountCell, AmountCol, AmountRange As String
Dim iColCount As Long, j As Long
Dim tmpCell1 As String, tmpCell2 As String, tmpCell1send As String
StartCol = "A" '"B"
SourceDataCol = 12 '4
StartRow = 1 '2 '16
SourceStartRow = 1 '2
SourceWSName = "DATA"
DestWSName = "PRINT"
TotalsRange = "L16:U18"
'AmountCol = "J"
'AmountRange = ""
'AmountCell = "J" '"J22"
Set SourceWS = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SourceWSName)
Set DestWS = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(DestWSName)
RowCount = 0
While SourceWS.Cells(SourceStartRow + 1 + RowCount, SourceDataCol).Value <> ""
RowCount = RowCount + 1
iColCount = 0
While SourceWS.Cells(SourceStartRow + 1, SourceDataCol + iColCount).Value <> ""
iColCount = iColCount + 1
EndCol = GetColumn(iColCount)
tmpCell1s = GetColumn(SourceDataCol) & StartRow
tmpCell1d = StartCol & StartRow
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")"
DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")"
'First row of data
tmpCell1s = GetColumn(SourceDataCol) & StartRow + 1
tmpCell1d = StartCol & StartRow + 1
'If IsNumeric(CStr(SourceWS.Range(tmpCell1s).Value)) Then
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & " * 1)"
'=IF(DATA! AB5= "" , " ",IF(ISERROR(DATA! AB5*1 ), DATA!AB5, DATA!AB5*1))
'################# WAS WITH *1 in the end... Yakir, 21/12/2011
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsADate(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "),DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ",(IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1))))"
DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsADate(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "),DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ",(IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "))))"
''DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1))"
'End If
If RowCount > 0 Then
EndRow = StartRow + RowCount - 1
For j = 0 To iColCount - 1
'copy formula for captions's row
tmpCell1s = GetColumn(SourceDataCol + j) & StartRow + 1
tmpCell1d = GetColumn(Asc(StartCol) + j - Asc("A") + 1) & StartRow + 1
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")"
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",IF (IsNumeric(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "),(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ") * 1, DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "))"
'' DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsADate(DATA!M3),DATA!M3,IF(ISNUMBER(DATA!M3),"0",IF(ISERROR(DATA!M3*1), DATA!M3, DATA!M3*1)))
'################# WAS WITH *1 in the end... Yakir, 21/12/2011
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsADate(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "),DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ",(IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1))))"
DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsADate(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "),DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ",(IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "))))"
'' DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1))"
'If IsNumeric(CStr(SourceWS.Range(tmpCell1s).Value)) Then
' DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & " * 1)"
' DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")"
'End If
Next j
For j = 0 To iColCount - 1
'copy formula for first row of data
tmpCell1s = GetColumn(SourceDataCol + j) & StartRow + 2
tmpCell1d = GetColumn(Asc(StartCol) + j - Asc("A") + 1) & StartRow + 2
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")"
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",IF (IsNumeric(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "),(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ") * 1, DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "))"
'################# WAS WITH *1 in the end... Yakir, 21/12/2011
'DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsADate(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "),DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ",(IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1))))"
DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsADate(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "),DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ",(IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "))))"
''DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(IsNumber(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")," & Chr(34) & "0" & Chr(34) & ",IF(ISERROR(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1), DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ", DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "*1))"
'If IsNumeric(CStr(SourceWS.Range(tmpCell1s).Value)) Then
' DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & " * 1)"
' DestWS.Range(tmpCell1d).Formula = "=IF(DATA!" & tmpCell1s & "=" & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & " " & Chr(34) & ",DATA!" & tmpCell1s & ")"
'End If
Next j
TotalsRange = StartCol & "3:" & EndCol & 3
'copy all colimns (row) from first to next rows
For i = StartRow + 1 To RowCount
tmpCell1 = StartCol & i + 1
Next i
EndRow = StartRow
End If
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"PRINT!R2C1:R7C12").CreatePivotTable _
TableDestination:="Pivot!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable1"
End Sub
Public Sub DisplayPrint(Optional CP As Long = 1)
On Error GoTo ErrDisplayPrint
Dim PrintWS As Excel.Worksheet
Call AddRowsSummary
Set PrintWS = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("PRINT")
'ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
'PrintWS.PrintOut , , CP
'Application.ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End Sub
Public Function GetColumn(ByVal ColNum As Long) As String
On Error GoTo err_GetColumn
Dim NumTemp As Long, Remind As Long
NumTemp = ColNum \ 26
Remind = ColNum Mod 26
If Remind = 0 Then
Remind = Remind + 26
NumTemp = NumTemp - 1
End If
Select Case NumTemp
Case 0
GetColumn = Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 1
GetColumn = "A" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 2
GetColumn = "B" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 3
GetColumn = "C" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 4
GetColumn = "D" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 5
GetColumn = "E" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 6
GetColumn = "F" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 7
GetColumn = "G" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 8
GetColumn = "H" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case 9
GetColumn = "I" + Chr(Asc("A") + Remind - 1)
Case Else
End Select
End Function
Function IsADate(cel As Range) As Boolean
If IsDate(cel) Then IsADate = True
End Function