VBA SumIfs return both 0s and correct results


New Member
Feb 20, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2013
  1. Windows
So I have a piece of codes using SumIfs to return Quarterly Totals, breakdown by Quarter and Yearly Total, breakdown by year. However, The Yearly Total, Q1 Total,Q1 breakdown, Q2 Total, Q2 breakdowns return correct results while Q3 and Q4 breakdowns all have 0s, even though Q3 and Q4 Totals return correct results.

Here is a snapshot of the template in which the code should return values.


As you can see from the print screen, Q2 results are correctly calculated and located (both breakdown numbers and total). However, for Q3, the total for each category is correct but the breakdowns are all 0s which is absurd since the formulas I used for each Quarter are exactly the same, only the ranges to calculate Quarterly values changed (which I double checked again is correct).

Here is my codes:
VBA Code:
Sub UpdateSnapshot()

'Set up Message Box
    If MsgBox("Update Snapshot?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "Opportunity Snapshot 2020") = vbNo Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

'Declare variables
    Dim wsOpps As Worksheet, wsSnapshot As Worksheet
    Dim r As Integer, c As Integer

    Set wsOpps = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Opps tracker 2020-2021")
    Set wsSnapshot = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Snapshot")

    Dim SumRgn As Range 'Total column in Opps worksheet
    Dim CrtYrPrime As Range
    Dim CrtCat As Range
    Dim CrtYrList As Range

    Dim CrtRgnPrime As Range
    Dim CrtRgnCat As Range
    Dim CrtRgnYr As Range

    Dim CrtRgnQ1 As Range 'Range Q1
    Dim CrtRgnQ2 As Range 'Range Q2
    Dim CrtRgnQ3 As Range 'Range Q3
    Dim CrtRgnQ4 As Range 'Range Q4

    Dim CrtQ1Prime As Range
    Dim CrtQ2Prime As Range
    Dim CrtQ3Prime As Range
    Dim CrtQ4Prime As Range

    With wsOpps
        Set SumRgn = .Range("T1:T2000") 'Total column in Opps
        Set CrtRgnPrime = .Range("C1:C2000") 'Prime Model
        Set CrtRgnCat = .Range("K1:K2000") 'Category
        Set CrtRgnYr = .Range("J1:J2000") 'Year

        Set CrtRgnQ1 = .Range("L1:L2000") 'Quarter 1
        Set CrtRgnQ2 = .Range("N1:N2000") 'Quarter 2
        Set CrtRgnQ3 = .Range("P1:P2000") 'Quarter 3
        Set CrtRgnQ4 = .Range("R1:R2000") 'Quarter 4
    End With

    With wsSnapshot
        Set CrtYrPrime = .Range("$A$3") 'Prime Model for Year x
        Set CrtQ1Prime = .Range("$A$22")
        Set CrtQ2Prime = .Range("$A$41")
        Set CrtQ3Prime = .Range("$A$60")
        Set CrtQ4Prime = .Range("$A$79")

        Set CrtCat = .Range("$B$1") 'Category
        Set CrtYrList = .Range("$A$1") 'Year list

    End With

'IMPORTANT -- Turn off events
    Application.EnableEvents = False

'Clear old data in Worksheet Snapshot
    wsSnapshot.Range("B3:K20, B22:K39, B41:K58, B60:K77, B79:K96").ClearContents

'Yearly breakdown
    For r = 3 To 19
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(SumRgn, CrtRgnPrime, CrtYrPrime.Offset(r - 3, 0), _
                    CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r
'Yearly Total
    For r = 20 To 20
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(SumRgn, CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r

'Q1 breakdown
    For r = 22 To 38
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ1, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ1Prime.Offset(r - 3, 0), _
                    CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r
'Q2 breakdown
    For r = 41 To 57
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ2, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ2Prime.Offset(r - 3, 0), _
                    CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r
'Q3 breakdown
    For r = 60 To 76
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ3, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ3Prime.Offset(r - 3, 0), _
                    CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r
'Q4 breakdown
    For r = 79 To 95
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ4, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ4Prime.Offset(r - 3, 0), _
                    CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r

'Q1 Total
    For r = 39 To 39
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ1, CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r
'Q2 Total
    For r = 58 To 58
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ2, CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r
'Q3 Total
    For r = 77 To 77
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ3, CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r
'Q4 Total
    For r = 96 To 96
        For c = 2 To 11
            wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
                = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ4, CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
        Next c
    Next r

'IMPORTANT -- Turn on events
    Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

I don't know why but Q1, Q2 share the exact same formulas with Q3 and Q4 but Q3, Q4 somehow don't work.

This is on my "Snapshot" worksheet:

VBA Code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
    Call UpdateSnapshot
End If
End Sub

Please advise! Any help is highly appreciated! Thank you!
Last edited:
The problem is the beginning of the row.

Rich (BB code):
'Q1 breakdown
    For r = 22 To 38
      For c = 2 To 11
        wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
          = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ1, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ1Prime.Offset(r - 22, 0), _
            CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
      Next c
    Next r
'Q2 breakdown
    For r = 41 To 57
      For c = 2 To 11
        wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
          = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ2, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ2Prime.Offset(r - 41, 0), _
            CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
      Next c
    Next r
'Q3 breakdown
    For r = 60 To 76
      For c = 2 To 11
        wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
          = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ3, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ3Prime.Offset(r - 60, 0), _
            CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
      Next c
    Next r
'Q4 breakdown
    For r = 79 To 95
      For c = 2 To 11
        wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
          = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ4, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ4Prime.Offset(r - 79, 0), _
            CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
      Next c
    Next r

You can simplify the use of for with this:

VBA Code:
'Q1 breakdown
  With wsSnapshot.Range("B22:K38")
    .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & CrtRgnQ1.Address(external:=True) & "," & CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A22," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
    .Value = .Value
  End With
'Q2 breakdown
  With wsSnapshot.Range("B41:K57")
    .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & CrtRgnQ2.Address(external:=True) & "," & CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A41," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
    .Value = .Value
  End With
'Q3 breakdown
  With wsSnapshot.Range("B60:K76")
    .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & CrtRgnQ3.Address(external:=True) & "," & CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A60," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
    .Value = .Value
  End With
'Q4 breakdown
  With wsSnapshot.Range("B79:K95")
    .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & CrtRgnQ4.Address(external:=True) & "," & CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A79," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
    .Value = .Value
  End With
Or better yet, simplify the 4 quarters like this:

VBA Code:
  Dim aRngs As Variant, aCrts As Variant, i As Long, rCrt As Range
  aRngs = Array("B22:K38", "B41:K57", "B60:K76", "B79:K95")
  aCrts = Array("L1:L2000", "N1:N2000", "P1:P2000", "R1:R2000")
  For i = 0 To UBound(aRngs)
    With wsSnapshot.Range(aRngs(i))
      Set rCrt = wsOpps.Range(aCrts(i))
      .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & rCrt.Address(external:=True) & "," & _
        CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A" & Mid(aRngs(i), 2, 2) & "," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
      .Value = .Value
    End With
Upvote 0
The problem is the beginning of the row.

Rich (BB code):
'Q1 breakdown
    For r = 22 To 38
      For c = 2 To 11
        wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
          = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ1, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ1Prime.Offset(r - 22, 0), _
            CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
      Next c
    Next r
'Q2 breakdown
    For r = 41 To 57
      For c = 2 To 11
        wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
          = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ2, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ2Prime.Offset(r - 41, 0), _
            CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
      Next c
    Next r
'Q3 breakdown
    For r = 60 To 76
      For c = 2 To 11
        wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
          = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ3, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ3Prime.Offset(r - 60, 0), _
            CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
      Next c
    Next r
'Q4 breakdown
    For r = 79 To 95
      For c = 2 To 11
        wsSnapshot.Cells(r, c) _
          = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(CrtRgnQ4, CrtRgnPrime, CrtQ4Prime.Offset(r - 79, 0), _
            CrtRgnCat, CrtCat.Offset(0, c - 2), CrtRgnYr, CrtYrList)
      Next c
    Next r

You can simplify the use of for with this:

VBA Code:
'Q1 breakdown
  With wsSnapshot.Range("B22:K38")
    .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & CrtRgnQ1.Address(external:=True) & "," & CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A22," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
    .Value = .Value
  End With
'Q2 breakdown
  With wsSnapshot.Range("B41:K57")
    .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & CrtRgnQ2.Address(external:=True) & "," & CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A41," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
    .Value = .Value
  End With
'Q3 breakdown
  With wsSnapshot.Range("B60:K76")
    .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & CrtRgnQ3.Address(external:=True) & "," & CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A60," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
    .Value = .Value
  End With
'Q4 breakdown
  With wsSnapshot.Range("B79:K95")
    .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & CrtRgnQ4.Address(external:=True) & "," & CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A79," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
    .Value = .Value
  End With
Or better yet, simplify the 4 quarters like this:

VBA Code:
  Dim aRngs As Variant, aCrts As Variant, i As Long, rCrt As Range
  aRngs = Array("B22:K38", "B41:K57", "B60:K76", "B79:K95")
  aCrts = Array("L1:L2000", "N1:N2000", "P1:P2000", "R1:R2000")
  For i = 0 To UBound(aRngs)
    With wsSnapshot.Range(aRngs(i))
      Set rCrt = wsOpps.Range(aCrts(i))
      .Formula = "=SUMIFS(" & rCrt.Address(external:=True) & "," & _
        CrtRgnPrime.Address(external:=True) & ",$A" & Mid(aRngs(i), 2, 2) & "," & _
        CrtRgnCat.Address(external:=True) & ",B$1," & CrtRgnYr.Address(external:=True) & ",$A$1)"
      .Value = .Value
    End With

Dante, thank you for the nth time for helping me out! they work perfectly! especially the shorter codes, amazing!!! Thanks again!
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