I was trying to get data from the web OMIE. The idea is to get data from all the files between to dates, the files are presented with the first line as a header and a character "*" as end of the current file. Data is separated by ";" and it normally has 26 lines (header, 24 lines of relevant data and the end character), but there are files with 25 or 27 (days where hour is change in this country). Also there are files in .zip, that comprise all the files of the days of a past year (2020,2019,2018...), and I do not know if it can be read as it is.
I do not have a lot of experience in this field of VB, and I try different things, but I have the problem that my code is very slow. When I want to get data for 1 month (30/31 files) it last almost 3 minutes! I will like to get it below 30 seconds if possible. These are the versions, that i manage to make work.
Version 1 (Download .zip and read files online):
Version 2 (Download .zip and files, then read files):
So, if somebody could help finding a better method or fixing my code I would be very grateful. Thanks for your time
I was trying to get data from the web OMIE. The idea is to get data from all the files between to dates, the files are presented with the first line as a header and a character "*" as end of the current file. Data is separated by ";" and it normally has 26 lines (header, 24 lines of relevant data and the end character), but there are files with 25 or 27 (days where hour is change in this country). Also there are files in .zip, that comprise all the files of the days of a past year (2020,2019,2018...), and I do not know if it can be read as it is.
I do not have a lot of experience in this field of VB, and I try different things, but I have the problem that my code is very slow. When I want to get data for 1 month (30/31 files) it last almost 3 minutes! I will like to get it below 30 seconds if possible. These are the versions, that i manage to make work.
Version 1 (Download .zip and read files online):
VBA Code:
Private Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" _
Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, _
ByVal szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
Private Sub HTML_VBA_Extract_Data_From_Website_To_Excel()
Dim oXMLHTTP As Object
Dim sPageHTML As String
Dim sURL As String
Dim fechaInicio, fechaFin As Date
srcpath = "https://www.omie.es/en/file-download?parents%5B0%5D=marginalpdbc&filename="
dlpath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
fechaInicio = Range("B1")
fechaFin = Range("B2")
Diff = DateDiff("d", fechaInicio, fechaFin)
diain = Format(fechaInicio, "dd")
mesIn = Format(fechaInicio, "mm")
añoIn = Format(fechaInicio, "yyyy")
Dim matriz
ReDim matriz(24 * (Diff + 3), 2)
Do While añoIn < Format(Now(), "yyyy") And añoIn <= Format(fechaFin, "yyyy")
Name = "marginalpdbc_" + añoIn + ".zip"
txtsrc = srcpath + Name
URLDownloadToFile 0, txtsrc, dlpath & Name, 0, 0
fechaInicio = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, fechaInicio)
diain = "01"
mesIn = "01"
añoIn = Format(fechaInicio, "yyyy")
f = 1
Do While (fechaFin >= fechaInicio)
Name = "marginalpdbc_" + añoIn + mesIn + diain + ".1"
txtsrc = srcpath + Name
Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", txtsrc, False
sPageHTML = oXMLHTTP.responseText
aux = Split(sPageHTML, ";")
i = f
For f = f To f + 23
matriz(f - 1, 1) = aux(6 * (f - i) + 5)
matriz(f - 1, 2) = aux(6 * (f - i) + 6)
End If
f = f + 1
fechaInicio = DateAdd("d", 1, fechaInicio)
diain = Format(fechaInicio, "dd")
mesIn = Format(fechaInicio, "mm")
añoIn = Format(fechaInicio, "yyyy")
End Sub
Version 2 (Download .zip and files, then read files):
VBA Code:
Private Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" _
Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, _
ByVal szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
Private Sub HTML_VBA_Extract_Data_From_Website_To_Excel()
Dim oXMLHTTP As Object
Dim sPageHTML As String
Dim sURL As String
Dim fechaInicio, fechaFin As Date
srcpath = "https://www.omie.es/en/file-download?parents%5B0%5D=marginalpdbc&filename="
dlpath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
fechaInicio = Range("B1")
fechaFin = Range("B2")
Diff = DateDiff("d", fechaInicio, fechaFin)
diain = Format(fechaInicio, "dd")
mesIn = Format(fechaInicio, "mm")
añoIn = Format(fechaInicio, "yyyy")
Dim matriz
ReDim matriz(24 * (Diff + 3), 2)
Do While añoIn < Format(Now(), "yyyy") And añoIn <= Format(fechaFin, "yyyy")
Name = "marginalpdbc_" + añoIn + ".zip"
txtsrc = srcpath + Name
URLDownloadToFile 0, txtsrc, dlpath & Name, 0, 0
fechaInicio = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, fechaInicio)
diain = "01"
mesIn = "01"
añoIn = Format(fechaInicio, "yyyy")
f = 1
Do While (fechaFin >= fechaInicio)
Name = "marginalpdbc_" + añoIn + mesIn + diain + ".1"
txtsrc = srcpath + Name
Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", txtsrc, False
sPageHTML = oXMLHTTP.responseText
aux = Split(sPageHTML, ";")
i = f
For f = f To f + 23
matriz(f - 1, 1) = aux(6 * (f - i) + 5)
matriz(f - 1, 2) = aux(6 * (f - i) + 6)
End If
f = f + 1
fechaInicio = DateAdd("d", 1, fechaInicio)
diain = Format(fechaInicio, "dd")
mesIn = Format(fechaInicio, "mm")
añoIn = Format(fechaInicio, "yyyy")
End Sub
So, if somebody could help finding a better method or fixing my code I would be very grateful. Thanks for your time