Hey everyone,
Been lurking a while
Just joined, first post
I'm having an issue with a data entry sheet I am designing. I have kind of hacked together a function that copies the forms data and selected size. I'm trying to have it do this for any size set to true, but currently if it's set to false it is still pasting in the form data on the next line.
Been lurking a while
Just joined, first post
I'm having an issue with a data entry sheet I am designing. I have kind of hacked together a function that copies the forms data and selected size. I'm trying to have it do this for any size set to true, but currently if it's set to false it is still pasting in the form data on the next line.
VBA Code:
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim LastRow As Long, RowInsert As Long
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("stock")
With ws
LastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
RowInsert = .Range("A1:A" & LastRow).Find("*", .Cells(LastRow, "A"), xlValues, , , xlPrevious).row
RowInsert = RowInsert + 1
''''This has to match the number of rows input below
.Cells(RowInsert, "A").Resize(1, 8).Value = Array( _
Me.txtDate.Text, _
Me.textboxparentsku.Text, _
Me.textboxsku.Text, _
Me.comboboxbrand.Text, _
Me.comboboxclosure.Text, _
Me.comboboxgender.Text, _
Me.comboboxmaterial.Text, _
Me.comboboxmodel.Text _
'Checkbox data entry
If Me.CheckBox0k.Value = True Then ws.Range("I" & RowInsert).Value = "0k"
With ws LastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).row
RowInsert = .Range("A1:A" & LastRow).Find("*", .Cells(LastRow, "A"), xlValues, , , xlPrevious).row
RowInsert = RowInsert + 1
''''This has to match the number of rows input below
.Cells(RowInsert, "A").Resize(1, 8).Value = Array( _
Me.txtDate.Text, _
Me.textboxparentsku.Text, _
Me.textboxsku.Text, _
Me.comboboxbrand.Text, _
Me.comboboxclosure.Text, _
Me.comboboxgender.Text, _
Me.comboboxmaterial.Text, _
Me.comboboxmodel.Text _
End With
If Me.CheckBox05k.Value = False Then ws.Range("I" & RowInsert).Value = "0k"
If Me.CheckBox05k.Value = True Then ws.Range("I" & RowInsert).Value = "0.5k"
Exit Sub
End With
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub