Hi All,
Synopsis = This code currently works using filters but takes ~5 seconds to loop through each item which is not very helpful when there are thousands of rows. I am looking for any ideas on how to speed up this code - my thought is that this would be possible with arrays but I am pretty lost. Almost all of my coding experience involves Googling the answer until I find something applicable. I would really appreciate any advice or even pointing me in the right direction. When drafting this post the first time I had blinded everything to try and make it easier to follow but got logged off just before posting - didn't want to do that again so apologies if it is hard to follow.
This code works with 2 sheets. Sheet 1 has results that need to removed from the data in sheet 2. It is able to find the same item in sheet 2 because of a unique ID. The code starts at the first row in sheet 1 stores the data, applies a filter of sheet2 and then edits that data - looping through to the last row on sheet 1.
Below is the full code - most of it is just declarations and a few file edits at the beginning of the code. The loop is located near the end of the code that i think is the slowest part. Thank you for any help - I am looking forward to learning something new.
Synopsis = This code currently works using filters but takes ~5 seconds to loop through each item which is not very helpful when there are thousands of rows. I am looking for any ideas on how to speed up this code - my thought is that this would be possible with arrays but I am pretty lost. Almost all of my coding experience involves Googling the answer until I find something applicable. I would really appreciate any advice or even pointing me in the right direction. When drafting this post the first time I had blinded everything to try and make it easier to follow but got logged off just before posting - didn't want to do that again so apologies if it is hard to follow.
This code works with 2 sheets. Sheet 1 has results that need to removed from the data in sheet 2. It is able to find the same item in sheet 2 because of a unique ID. The code starts at the first row in sheet 1 stores the data, applies a filter of sheet2 and then edits that data - looping through to the last row on sheet 1.
Below is the full code - most of it is just declarations and a few file edits at the beginning of the code. The loop is located near the end of the code that i think is the slowest part. Thank you for any help - I am looking forward to learning something new.
Option Explicit
Sub do_something ()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim AdWordsFile As Workbook
Dim AdWordsData As Worksheet
Dim DS3Data As Worksheet
Set AdWordsFile = ThisWorkbook
Set AdWordsData = AdWordsFile.Sheets("AdWords Data") '**MAY CHANGE TO INEX AND REFERENCE NEW WB
Set DS3Data = AdWordsFile.Sheets("DS Data")
'using this vs hard declare to row with customparam and last col as error handler and for future use
Dim cParamSpot As Integer ' column that had the row needed to run formula
Dim cTypeSpot As Integer 'incase click type changes location
Dim clickSpot As Integer 'custom location of clicks
Dim imprSpot As Integer
Dim costSpot As Integer
Dim lcol As Long 'last used column + 1 so that we can use lcol for formula
Dim lrow As Long 'last used row so I can delete the totals on the last 5 rows of adwords file
cTypeSpot = AdWordsData.Range("A2:ZZ2").Find("Click type").Column
clickSpot = AdWordsData.Range("A2:ZZ2").Find("Clicks").Column
imprSpot = AdWordsData.Range("A2:ZZ2").Find("Impressions").Column
costSpot = AdWordsData.Range("A2:ZZ2").Find("Cost").Column
lcol = AdWordsData.Range("A2").End(xlToRight).Column + 1 'might not be the most stable but it is working
lrow = AdWordsData.Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
'this section is delteing unecessary data - headline & sl plus phone with 0 clicks
AdWordsData.Rows(lrow - 4 & ":" & lrow).Delete 'need minus 4 not 5 because lrow is also included **fix to use filter to delete
lrow = AdWordsData.Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row 'need to redim lrow after deleting stuff
With Range(AdWordsData.Cells(2, 1), AdWordsData.Cells(lrow, lcol))
.AutoFilter Field:=cTypeSpot, Criteria1:=Array("Headline", "Sitelink"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
.Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
End With
lrow = AdWordsData.Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row 'need to redim lrow after deleting stuff
'this section creates a row at the end for the unique kw id
AdWordsData.Cells(2, lcol).Formula = "KW ID"
'using with and row and column to insert mid function to get kw id and should be dynamic
With Range(AdWordsData.Cells(3, lcol), AdWordsData.Cells(lrow, lcol))
.FormulaR1C1 = "=mid(rc[-1],18,17)"
End With
Dim dsKwIDSpot As Integer
Dim dsClickSpot As Integer
Dim dsImprSpot As Integer
Dim dsCostSpot As Integer
Dim dsCPCspot As Integer
Dim dsCTRspot As Integer
dsKwIDSpot = DS3Data.Range("A1:ZZ2").Find("Keyword ID").Column '**NOTE = should probably make this range dynamic also but oh well
dsClickSpot = DS3Data.Range("A1:ZZ2").Find("Clicks").Column
dsImprSpot = DS3Data.Range("A1:ZZ2").Find("Impr").Column
dsCostSpot = DS3Data.Range("A1:ZZ2").Find("Cost").Column
'---------sections above are mostly used to clean file and find column headers dynamically
'---------below is the actual work zone and loop
'looping through cleaned adwords file and editing the ds version
Dim i As Integer 'declared in the loop, using for to vs do while
Dim adwordsImprVal As Long
Dim adwordsClickVal As Long
Dim adwordsCostVal As Double
Dim adwordsKwID As String 'cell value is a string if using long get the overflow error - value for kw need to be this
Dim dsImprVal As Long
Dim dsClickVal As Long
Dim dsCostVal As Double
Dim dsKwId As String
Dim x As Long
Dim dslRow As Long: Dim dslCol As Long
dslRow = DS3Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row
dslCol = DS3Data.Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column
For i = 3 To lrow
adwordsImprVal = AdWordsData.Cells(i, imprSpot).Value
adwordsClickVal = AdWordsData.Cells(i, clickSpot).Value
adwordsCostVal = AdWordsData.Cells(i, costSpot).Value
adwordsKwID = AdWordsData.Cells(i, lcol).Value
With Range(DS3Data.Cells(1, 1), DS3Data.Cells(dslRow, dslCol))
.AutoFilter Field:=dsKwIDSpot, Criteria1:=adwordsKwID
.Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells (xlCellTypeVisible)
x = DS3Data.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row 'creating this var because its a cheat way to only get active lrow
dsImprVal = DS3Data.Range("A1").Offset(x - 1, dsImprSpot - 1).Value 'not totally sure why the -1 are needed
dsClickVal = DS3Data.Range("A1").Offset(x - 1, dsClickSpot - 1).Value
dsCostVal = DS3Data.Range("A1").Offset(x - 1, dsCostSpot - 1).Value
'this feels hacky probably a better way delcaring variable first but ...
DS3Data.Range("A1").Offset(x - 1, dsImprSpot - 1).Value = dsImprVal - adwordsImprVal
DS3Data.Range("A1").Offset(x - 1, dsClickSpot - 1).Value = dsClickVal - adwordsClickVal
DS3Data.Range("A1").Offset(x - 1, dsCostSpot - 1).Value = dsCostVal - adwordsCostVal
.AutoFilter 'this should remove the filter before the next loop
End With
Debug.Print i
MsgBox ("All Done")
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub