I am new here so if I slip up on posting protocols then please give me a nudge in the right direction.
What I need to do is:- programmatically provide access to the current user's Documents/My Documents folder in an Excel/VBA app.
The app will have only a few users but situated in different Locales e.g. Italy, Germany, Spain, Iceland.
I have no previous experience in trans-locale work. The texts in the app itself will be English language only but the code will need to accomodate certain technicalities.
I am trying to avoid code situations where these might arise but this one seems unavoidable - I think.
This is non-commercial pro-bono work for non-institution academic use (i.e. no money for anything - all for the pursuit of knowledge) so I am trying to keep my workload to a minimum
There are no resources for locale related testing prior to initial deployment. My aim is to keep the pain of user based beta testing to a minimum.
My understanding is that, when non-English locale settings are applied, the Documents/My Documents special folders are often actually named in the Locale language.
Because of this the use of literals to reference special folders is doomed to failure.
Following a bit of searching the web - my understanding is that the normal approach should suffice i.e. to obtain the special folder name from the system using Environ("MyDocuments").
Thread 678937 deals with this in part but pre-dates Windows 10 and and does not cover the locale issue.
The next part harks back to earlier Windows OS version changes - i.e is it 'Documents' or 'Mydocuments" - not everybody has migrated to Windows 10 and the reality is that, with this user base at least, some are still using XP.
Previously, rather than retrieving the OS version, I get over this with:- (sorry not sure how this code tagging works so avoided it for now - tag the block or tag each line?)
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sMyDocsPath = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Documents")
If sMyDocsPath = "" Then '"Documents" not found as an environment variable
sMyDocsPath = WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments")
End If
If sMyDocsPath = "" Then Goto ERROR_HANDLER
'otherwise OK to use sMyDocsPath
The error handler gets the user to browse to the correct or desired location - I could go straight to this but most users don't want to be bothered with or struggle with it.
Usually sMyDocsLocaleName will then contain the full path to the user's Documents/My Documents folder and, hopefully, with the Locale language dependent elements taken care of.
So my specific questions:
1 - Am I correct in my understanding that Environ("Documents") and/or Environ("MyDocuments") returns the path with any locale language differences accommodated?
2 - Is my workaround code for the Windows OS version differences an adequately robust solution?
If any of you are aware of other 'variable locale' related pitfalls then any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance - Jeremy
I am new here so if I slip up on posting protocols then please give me a nudge in the right direction.
What I need to do is:- programmatically provide access to the current user's Documents/My Documents folder in an Excel/VBA app.
The app will have only a few users but situated in different Locales e.g. Italy, Germany, Spain, Iceland.
I have no previous experience in trans-locale work. The texts in the app itself will be English language only but the code will need to accomodate certain technicalities.
I am trying to avoid code situations where these might arise but this one seems unavoidable - I think.
This is non-commercial pro-bono work for non-institution academic use (i.e. no money for anything - all for the pursuit of knowledge) so I am trying to keep my workload to a minimum
There are no resources for locale related testing prior to initial deployment. My aim is to keep the pain of user based beta testing to a minimum.
My understanding is that, when non-English locale settings are applied, the Documents/My Documents special folders are often actually named in the Locale language.
Because of this the use of literals to reference special folders is doomed to failure.
Following a bit of searching the web - my understanding is that the normal approach should suffice i.e. to obtain the special folder name from the system using Environ("MyDocuments").
Thread 678937 deals with this in part but pre-dates Windows 10 and and does not cover the locale issue.
The next part harks back to earlier Windows OS version changes - i.e is it 'Documents' or 'Mydocuments" - not everybody has migrated to Windows 10 and the reality is that, with this user base at least, some are still using XP.
Previously, rather than retrieving the OS version, I get over this with:- (sorry not sure how this code tagging works so avoided it for now - tag the block or tag each line?)
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sMyDocsPath = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Documents")
If sMyDocsPath = "" Then '"Documents" not found as an environment variable
sMyDocsPath = WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments")
End If
If sMyDocsPath = "" Then Goto ERROR_HANDLER
'otherwise OK to use sMyDocsPath
The error handler gets the user to browse to the correct or desired location - I could go straight to this but most users don't want to be bothered with or struggle with it.
Usually sMyDocsLocaleName will then contain the full path to the user's Documents/My Documents folder and, hopefully, with the Locale language dependent elements taken care of.
So my specific questions:
1 - Am I correct in my understanding that Environ("Documents") and/or Environ("MyDocuments") returns the path with any locale language differences accommodated?
2 - Is my workaround code for the Windows OS version differences an adequately robust solution?
If any of you are aware of other 'variable locale' related pitfalls then any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance - Jeremy