I am trying to see about simplifying my code. I was thinking if it was possible to do a loop it would be much easier, but I am not sure if it is... Any help would be appreciated.
What I was thinking about if even possible...
Here is my current actual code. For the Userform activation
As well as my code for when the Accept button on the UserForm is clicked.
I am sure my code will get laughed at, but I would love some help cleaning it up and simplifying it a bit!
What I was thinking about if even possible...
Dim I As Integer
i = 1
Do Until i = 8
label_ & i = Range("c_form" & i).Text
tb_f & i .Text = "0.0000"
i = i +1
Here is my current actual code. For the Userform activation
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim PW As String
Dim USER As String
Dim i As Integer
'Labels based off names of forms from table
label_1 = Range("c_form1").Text
label_2 = Range("c_form2").Text
label_3 = Range("c_form3").Text
label_4 = Range("c_form4").Text
label_5 = Range("c_form5").Text
label_6 = Range("c_form6").Text
label_7 = Range("c_form7").Text
label_8 = Range("c_form8").Text
USER = Range("c_user").Text
PW = Range("c_pass2").Text
'Load Forms "Master" Values from worksheet
F1m = Range("c_f1m")
F2m = Range("c_f2m")
F3m = Range("c_f3m")
F4m = Range("c_f4m")
F5m = Range("c_f5m")
F6m = Range("c_f6m")
F7m = Range("c_f7m")
F8m = Range("c_f8m")
'Populate text boxes.
tb_User = USER
tb_date = Format(Now, "mm/dd/yy h:mm am/PM")
tb_f1.Text = "0.0000"
tb_f2.Text = "0.0000"
tb_f3.Text = "0.0000"
tb_f4.Text = "0.0000"
tb_f5.Text = "0.0000"
tb_f6.Text = "0.0000"
tb_f7.Text = "0.0000"
tb_f8.Text = "0.0000"
tb_f1m = Format(F1m, "0.0000")
tb_f2m = Format(F2m, "0.0000")
tb_f3m = Format(F3m, "0.0000")
tb_f4m = Format(F4m, "0.0000")
tb_f5m = Format(F5m, "0.0000")
tb_f6m = Format(F6m, "0.0000")
tb_f7m = Format(F7m, "0.0000")
tb_f8m = Format(F8m, "0.0000")
tb_notes = ""
End Sub
As well as my code for when the Accept button on the UserForm is clicked.
Private Sub btn_accept_Click()
Dim PW As String
Dim USER As String
Dim ConfirmPW As String
Dim ProtPW As String
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim NewRow As Long
Dim Ref As Range
USER = Range("c_user").Text
PW = Range("c_pass2").Text
ProtPW = Range("c_pass").Text
If tb_f1.Value = 0 And tb_f2.Value = 0 And tb_f3.Value = 0 And tb_f4.Value = 0 And _
tb_f5.Value = 0 And tb_f6.Value = 0 And tb_f7.Value = 0 And tb_f8.Value = 0 Then
If MsgBox("No changes made. Continue?", vbOKCancel) = vbCancel Then
Unload Me
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If tb_f1.Value = "" Or tb_f2.Value = "" Or tb_f3.Value = "" Or tb_f4.Value = "" _
Or tb_f5.Value = "" Or tb_f6.Value = "" Or tb_f7.Value = "" Or tb_f8.Value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Cannot leave a entry BLANK. (Zero is acceptable.)")
Exit Sub
End If
ConfirmPW = InputBox("Confirm Password for current user (" & USER & ").", "Password")
If ConfirmPW = PW Then
'If Password checks good then all entries will be loaded.
'Determine emptyRow
'LastRow = DieDim.Range("A3").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
NewRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 2
LastRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) + 1
'Unprotect Worksheet.
If Range("c_admin") = False Then
DieDim.Unprotect ProtPW
End If
'Transfer information
'Increment# entry
If Cells(LastRow, 1).Value = "MASTER" Then
Cells(NewRow, 1) = 1
Cells(NewRow, 1) = Cells(LastRow, 1).Value + 1
End If
'Add Date to row
Cells(NewRow, 2) = Format(Now, "mm/dd/yy h:mm am/PM")
'Add Employee# to row
Cells(NewRow, 3) = tb_User.Text
'Tranfer Form1
Set Ref = Cells(NewRow, 4)
If tb_f1.Value = 0 Or tb_f1m.Value Then
Ref.Value = Cells(LastRow, 4).Value
Ref.Value = tb_f1.Value
Ref.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 'Colors: 19=LightYellow, 20=LightBlue, 35=LightGreen
End If
'Tranfer Form2
Set Ref = Cells(NewRow, 5)
If tb_f2.Value = 0 Or tb_f2m.Value Then
Ref.Value = Cells(LastRow, 5).Value
Ref.Value = tb_f2.Value
Ref.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 'Yellow Fill
End If
'Tranfer Form3
Set Ref = Cells(NewRow, 6)
If tb_f3.Value = 0 Or tb_f3m.Value Then
Ref.Value = Cells(LastRow, 6).Value
Ref.Value = tb_f3.Value
Ref.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 'Yellow Fill
End If
'Tranfer Form4
Set Ref = Cells(NewRow, 7)
If tb_f4.Value = 0 Or tb_f4m.Value Then
Ref.Value = Cells(LastRow, 7).Value
Ref.Value = tb_f4.Value
Ref.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 'Yellow Fill
End If
'Tranfer Form5
Set Ref = Cells(NewRow, 8)
If tb_f5.Value = 0 Or tb_f5m.Value Then
Ref.Value = Cells(LastRow, 8).Value
Ref.Value = tb_f5.Value
Ref.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 'Yellow Fill
End If
'Tranfer Form6
Set Ref = Cells(NewRow, 9)
If tb_f6.Value = 0 Or tb_f6m.Value Then
Ref.Value = Cells(LastRow, 9).Value
Ref.Value = tb_f6.Value
Ref.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 'Yellow Fill
End If
'Tranfer Form7
Set Ref = Cells(NewRow, 10)
If tb_f7.Value = 0 Or tb_f7m.Value Then
Ref.Value = Cells(LastRow, 10).Value
Ref.Value = tb_f7.Value
Ref.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 'Yellow Fill
End If
'Tranfer Form8
Set Ref = Cells(NewRow, 11)
If tb_f8.Value = 0 Or tb_f8m.Value Then
Ref.Value = Cells(LastRow, 11).Value
Ref.Value = tb_f8.Value
Ref.Interior.ColorIndex = 19 'Yellow Fill
End If
'Transfer NOTES
Cells(NewRow, 12) = tb_notes.Text
Unload Me
'Protect Worksheet if not admin.
If Range("c_admin") = False Then
DieDim.Protect ProtPW
End If
Unload Me
'Bad password entry. Cancels Data Entry.
MsgBox ("Password incorrect. Data Entry Rejected.")
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
I am sure my code will get laughed at, but I would love some help cleaning it up and simplifying it a bit!