Good Morning All,
I currently have a excel macro that uses SendKey to update an application. The current code works off two columns in excel (1) Has the name of the function (2) Has the Total Percentage for the function. The Macro checks the name by copying the application data and pasting it into a new column that identifies whether the naming conventions matching is True or False. The Macro then updates the percentage by taking the excel data and pasting it into the application.
I need to update the macro to change the name of the function within the application by adding _Lawson. Can anyone provide assistance on changing my code? My own attempt to solve this ran into issues getting the application to update, I created another column that will convert a name from for example V345-9 to V345-9_Lawson which worked but couldn't get the system to use this to update the application.
My Code
I currently have a excel macro that uses SendKey to update an application. The current code works off two columns in excel (1) Has the name of the function (2) Has the Total Percentage for the function. The Macro checks the name by copying the application data and pasting it into a new column that identifies whether the naming conventions matching is True or False. The Macro then updates the percentage by taking the excel data and pasting it into the application.
I need to update the macro to change the name of the function within the application by adding _Lawson. Can anyone provide assistance on changing my code? My own attempt to solve this ran into issues getting the application to update, I created another column that will convert a name from for example V345-9 to V345-9_Lawson which worked but couldn't get the system to use this to update the application.
My Code
Sub CompleteSTARandExcelSendKeyCode()
' CompleteSTARandExcelSendKeyCode Macro
' Macro recorded 12/22/2010 by UMMS User
Dim EnterKey As String
Dim ThreeKey As String
Dim YesKey As String
Dim AccountKey As String
Dim rowkey As Integer
'AccountKey = "1620001739"
EnterKey = "~"
ThreeKey = "3"
YesKey = "Y"
rowkey = 1
AppActivate ("Microsoft Excel - SendKey_UMMC.xls"), False
Range("A" & rowkey).Select
AccountKey = Range("A" & rowkey)
'STAR Send Key Code
'Select UMMC at the Facility Screen
AppActivate ("1 - HBOC_CLN"), False
Application.SendKeys (ThreeKey), True
Application.SendKeys (EnterKey), True
'Enter the account number
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
AppActivate ("1 - HBOC_CLN"), False
Application.SendKeys (AccountKey), True
Application.SendKeys (EnterKey), True
'Say Yes to Do you wnat to send charges for this account
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
AppActivate ("1 - HBOC_CLN"), False
Application.SendKeys (YesKey), True
Application.SendKeys (EnterKey), True
'Say Yes to Add account to HPM index tranferring changes
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
AppActivate ("1 - HBOC_CLN"), False
Application.SendKeys (YesKey), True
Application.SendKeys (EnterKey), True
'End of the STAR Code
rowkey = rowkey + 1
AppActivate ("Microsoft Excel - SendKey_UMMC.xls"), False
Range("A" & rowkey).Select
AccountKey = Range("A" & rowkey)
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"))
Dim c As Range
For Each c In Selection
If c.Value <> "" Then c.Value = c.Value & "_01"
Loop Until AccountKey = "END"
End Sub