Hello everyone,
I'm making a macro that will send to a list of contacts a custom file, but with a criteria.
The idea is that when when I click a button (Send Mail), it will send an email with an attachment to each of the contacts, but only if if the corresponding row in column F is bigger than zero (number of ocurrences), so that I do not send an empty attachment.
For now what I was able to do is select the contact (column B is the company, C is e-mail adress, D first name and E surname) and click the button, and send the attachment. That part works fine. Now the problem is changing the code to only press the button, instead of repeating the process manually for each contact at the time, and to only send if it meets the criteria.
The code follows below:
Thank you for the help
I'm making a macro that will send to a list of contacts a custom file, but with a criteria.
The idea is that when when I click a button (Send Mail), it will send an email with an attachment to each of the contacts, but only if if the corresponding row in column F is bigger than zero (number of ocurrences), so that I do not send an empty attachment.
For now what I was able to do is select the contact (column B is the company, C is e-mail adress, D first name and E surname) and click the button, and send the attachment. That part works fine. Now the problem is changing the code to only press the button, instead of repeating the process manually for each contact at the time, and to only send if it meets the criteria.
The code follows below:
Sub Mail_ActiveSheet()
Dim FileExtStr As String
Dim FileFormatNum As Long
Dim Sourcewb As Workbook
Dim Destwb As Workbook
Dim TempFilePath As String
Dim TempFileName As String
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
Set Sourcewb = ActiveWorkbook
'Copy the ActiveSheet to a new workbook
Dim sup As Range
Set sup = ActiveCell
If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
End If
ActiveSheet.Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
ActiveSheet.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:=sup.Value
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$3:$S$2000").AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:="Disputed"
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
With ActiveWindow
.DisplayGridlines = False
End With
Set Destwb = ActiveWorkbook
'Determine the Excel version and file extension/format
With Destwb
If Val(Application.Version) < 12 Then
'You use Excel 97-2003
FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = -4143
'You use Excel 2007-2016
Select Case Sourcewb.FileFormat
Case 51: FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 51
Case 52:
If .HasVBProject Then
FileExtStr = ".xlsm": FileFormatNum = 52
FileExtStr = ".xlsx": FileFormatNum = 51
End If
Case 56: FileExtStr = ".xls": FileFormatNum = 56
Case Else: FileExtStr = ".xlsb": FileFormatNum = 50
End Select
End If
End With
Dim mysheet As Worksheet, lp As Long, PrevCalc As Variant
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
PrevCalc = .Calculation
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
For Each mysheet In Worksheets
For lp = Rows.Count To 1 Step -1 'loop through all rows
If mysheet.Rows(lp).EntireRow.Hidden = True Then mysheet.Rows(lp).EntireRow.Delete
Next lp
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = PrevCalc
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
'Save the new workbook/Mail it/Delete it
TempFilePath = Environ$("temp") & "\"
TempFileName = "Disputed Claims " & sup.Value & " " & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy")
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
row_number = sup.Row
Dim mail_mail_body_message As String
Dim full_name As String
Dim contact As String
contact = Workbooks("AAM Claims Master.xlsm").Sheets("Settings").Range("C" & row_number)
mail_body_message = Workbooks("AAM Claims Master.xlsm").Sheets("Settings").Range("H3")
full_name = Workbooks("AAM Claims Master.xlsm").Sheets("Settings").Range("D" & row_number) & " " & Workbooks("AAM Claims Master.xlsm").Sheets("Settings").Range("E" & row_number)
mail_body_message = Replace(mail_body_message, "subs_nome", full_name)
With Destwb
.SaveAs TempFilePath & TempFileName & FileExtStr, FileFormat:=FileFormatNum
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
.To = contact
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = TempFileName
.Body = mail_body_message
.Attachments.Add Destwb.FullName
'You can add other files also like this
'.Attachments.Add ("C:\test.txt")
.Display 'or use .Send
End With
On Error GoTo 0
.Close savechanges:=False
End With
'Delete the file you have send
Kill TempFilePath & TempFileName & FileExtStr
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True
With ActiveWindow
.DisplayGridlines = True
End With
If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then
End If
ActiveSheet.Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
ActiveSheet.Cells.EntireRow.Hidden = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Thank you for the help