Hi guys!
I'm trying to automate some account creations using selenium chromedriver. I have everything but the popup (popover?).
I can't see is anywhere using Inspect and when I check it with the IDE recorder, it doesn't have any class, id, xpath, etc.
Attached is a screenshot of the irritant and what the IDE recorder shows when I use it while clicking in the field, entering "Test" then clicking ok.
The website is highly secured and belongs to our vendor so I can't give you all the code from the page. Hopefully this is enough data. Here's my macro so far:
How would you overcome this problem?
Thanks, as always!
I'm trying to automate some account creations using selenium chromedriver. I have everything but the popup (popover?).
I can't see is anywhere using Inspect and when I check it with the IDE recorder, it doesn't have any class, id, xpath, etc.
Attached is a screenshot of the irritant and what the IDE recorder shows when I use it while clicking in the field, entering "Test" then clicking ok.
The website is highly secured and belongs to our vendor so I can't give you all the code from the page. Hopefully this is enough data. Here's my macro so far:
VBA Code:
Sub MarkedAsVerified()
Dim bot As New ChromeDriver, Assert As New Assert
sUID = InputBox("Enter your username")
sPWD = InputBox("Enter your password")
bot.Get "https://qa.com/account/user/login"
bot.FindElementByCss("input[name=j_username]").SendKeys sUID
bot.FindElementByCss("input[name=j_password]").SendKeys sPWD
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:03"))
With Worksheets("Data2")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set rng1 = .Range("K2:K" & LastRow)
For Z = 2 To LastRow
bot.FindElementByLinkText("Manage Members").Click
bot.FindElementByCss("input[name=firstName]").SendKeys Worksheets("Data2").Range("A" & Z).Value
bot.FindElementByCss("input[name=lastName]").SendKeys Worksheets("Data2").Range("B" & Z).Value
bot.SendKeys bot.keys.Enter
bot.FindElementByLinkText(Worksheets("Data2").Range("C" & Z).Value).Click
On Error Resume Next
' Need to enter "Test" then click OK on the popup/popover
' bot.SwitchToAlert.Accept <<------- runtime 26 UnexpectedAlertOpenError
'bot.FindElementById("#container-wrap").SendKeys ("Test{Enter}") <---------No reaction at all
How would you overcome this problem?
Thanks, as always!