Cells.Replace What:=UserForm1.TextBox1.Text, _
Replacement:=UserForm1.TextBox2.Text, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
If I am typing in the above line as part of a VBA Macro in the IDE, intellisense helps me a lot. As soon as I type in "Cells." it shows me all functions I can call (Replace, Offset, etc...) so I can just choose from one of them.
Is there a similar intellisense help available for what to put after I type in SearchOrder:=" ???
In other words, how could I quickly see what all the xl... constants are that I could put after the SearchOrder:= , it would be nice to see all the possible values (xlByRows, xlByColumns, ...). I am actually looking for something that would show this for any function (show all possible parameter values for any given function parameter)
I tried rightmouse/properties,methods but that is showing way too much stuff.
Replacement:=UserForm1.TextBox2.Text, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
If I am typing in the above line as part of a VBA Macro in the IDE, intellisense helps me a lot. As soon as I type in "Cells." it shows me all functions I can call (Replace, Offset, etc...) so I can just choose from one of them.
Is there a similar intellisense help available for what to put after I type in SearchOrder:=" ???
In other words, how could I quickly see what all the xl... constants are that I could put after the SearchOrder:= , it would be nice to see all the possible values (xlByRows, xlByColumns, ...). I am actually looking for something that would show this for any function (show all possible parameter values for any given function parameter)
I tried rightmouse/properties,methods but that is showing way too much stuff.