I'm creating a user account request form which enables you to create a script to create the accounts. Everything is working fine. Now I want to protect the document so people can not see hidden sheets, click on cells, hide macros etc.
Protecting the sheets and workbook seems to be working fine but you can still see the macros in Developer > Visual Basic.
I've been told you can protect this by going into Visual Basic > Tools > VBAProject Properties > Protection and select Lock project for viewing (and adding a password). When I do this it does what I want by hiding the scripts, but it generates an error when running one of the macros.
3 of the macros work fine. When the button is clicked to create the script, it prompts me for the password as expected. It then creates the page with the script copied to it and opens up a save as window, I input the name and press save and I get:-
The macro is below, is there anyway around this?
Is there anyway I can hide the VBA scripts and still have them working?
Protecting the sheets and workbook seems to be working fine but you can still see the macros in Developer > Visual Basic.
I've been told you can protect this by going into Visual Basic > Tools > VBAProject Properties > Protection and select Lock project for viewing (and adding a password). When I do this it does what I want by hiding the scripts, but it generates an error when running one of the macros.
3 of the macros work fine. When the button is clicked to create the script, it prompts me for the password as expected. It then creates the page with the script copied to it and opens up a save as window, I input the name and press save and I get:-
Run-time error '1004';
Method 'SaveAs' of object' _Workbook' failed
Method 'SaveAs' of object' _Workbook' failed
The macro is below, is there anyway around this?
Sub CreateScript()
Dim Password As String
Password = InputBox("Please enter password to enable you to save the script", "Password Required", "")
If Password = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim myFolder As String
'By Joe Was.
'Save Range as Text File.
'ActiveSheet.Activate * This for button on same worksheet
ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect ("PROTECTPASSWORDHERE")
'This temporarily adds a sheet named "CreatingScript"
Sheets.Add.Name = "CreatingScript"
'Ask user for folder to save text file to.
myFolder = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(fileFilter:="Text Files (*.bat), *.bat")
'Save selected data as text file in users selected folder.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fileName:=myFolder, FileFormat:=xlTextPrinter, CreateBackup:=False
'Remove temporary sheet.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Indicate save action.
MsgBox "Batch File: " & myFolder & " Saved!"
'Go to top of sheet.
ActiveWorkbook.Protect ("PROTECTPASSWORDHERE")
End Sub
Is there anyway I can hide the VBA scripts and still have them working?
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