I have the following code, which should resize the window, dependent on the value in C16. However, it isnt working! Can anyone advise where its gone wrong please?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iMaxWidth As Integer
Dim iMaxHeight As Integer
Dim iStartX As Integer
Dim iStartY As Integer
Dim iDesiredWidth As Integer
Dim iDesiredHeight As Integer
Dim mType As String
Dim trigger As Integer
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 80
mType = Range("C16").Value
Select Case mType 'Set the window dimensions based on the Mtype
Case "Standard"
iDesiredWidth = 595
iDesiredHeight = 382
Case "Medium"
iDesiredWidth = 595
iDesiredHeight = 382
Case "Deluxe"
iDesiredWidth = 638
iDesiredHeight = 392
Columns("O").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Rows("18:19").EntireRow.Hidden = False
Case "Super"
Columns("O").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Rows("18:19").EntireRow.Hidden = False
iDesiredWidth = 638
iDesiredHeight = 392
Case "Small"
Columns("O").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Rows("18:19").EntireRow.Hidden = False
iDesiredWidth = 638
iDesiredHeight = 392
Case "Super2"
Columns("N:P").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Rows("18:20").EntireRow.Hidden = False
iDesiredWidth = 690
iDesiredHeight = 402
End Select
If mType <> "" Then 'A Mtype has been selected, reshape the window
With Application
'.WindowState = xlMaximized
iMaxWidth = Application.Width
iMaxHeight = Application.Height
' Adjust for starting point
iMaxWidth = iMaxWidth - iStartX
iMaxHeight = iMaxHeight - iStartY
If iDesiredWidth > iMaxWidth Then
iDesiredWidth = iMaxWidth
End If
If iDesiredHeight > iMaxHeight Then
iDesiredHeight = iMaxHeight
End If
.WindowState = xlNormal
.Width = iDesiredWidth
.Height = iDesiredHeight
End With
End If
End Sub