I am trying to compare two columns of 1,200 names. The names of some individuals have surnames attached. Ex. (A1: jones-smith,lisa) (B1: jones, lisa a.) Some names have middle initials, spaces, periods and others do not. So Vlookup will not work at this stage. Before breaking the column down using text to columns I would like to run VBA on the column that would I remove all characters including the "-" up to but not including the ",".
I could then break the names down using the text to columns function using a "," and a " " as limits and then recombined and compared without the middle initial using vlookups.
Thanks for your imput.
I could then break the names down using the text to columns function using a "," and a " " as limits and then recombined and compared without the middle initial using vlookups.
Thanks for your imput.