Hi All,
I am stuck in one of unique issue.
I was looking for a macro that will help to insert an image based on cell value.
I got the macro on the internet and modified it as per my requirement, this macro is working exactly the way I want however when I change or delete the image folder all the images are going vanished.
I tried to remove a link from an image but not succeeded, could you please help me understand what went wrong and how I can remove the link from the folder.
You may suggest another code also which will solve my problem.
I am stuck in one of unique issue.
I was looking for a macro that will help to insert an image based on cell value.
I got the macro on the internet and modified it as per my requirement, this macro is working exactly the way I want however when I change or delete the image folder all the images are going vanished.
I tried to remove a link from an image but not succeeded, could you please help me understand what went wrong and how I can remove the link from the folder.
You may suggest another code also which will solve my problem.
VBA Code:
Sub InsertPictures()
Const fPath = "C:\Desktop\Final snap as 0n 28 Jun\"
Dim cel As Range, picPath As String, shp As Shape
'insert imagess
For Each cel In Range("M4", Range("M" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
On Error Resume Next
picPath = fPath & "\" & cel.Value & ".jpg"
If Not Dir(picPath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
With cel.Parent.Pictures.Insert(picPath, LinkToFile = False)
With .ShapeRange
.LinkToFile = msoFalse
.savewithdocument = msoCTrue
.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
.LinkToFile = False
.savewithdocument = True
.LockAspectRatio = False
.Width = 100
.Height = 100
End With
.Left = cel.Offset(, 1).Left
.Top = cel.Offset(, 1).Top
End With
End If
Next cel
End Sub