Hi all,
I have the following code which I use to read TXT file name/file content to excel file from a location.
The problem is that I have some accented characters in TXT files and they end up in excel as "Ä" - "È™" - ""
How can I modify the code to specify the encoding or solve this problem?
I have the following code which I use to read TXT file name/file content to excel file from a location.
The problem is that I have some accented characters in TXT files and they end up in excel as "Ä" - "È™" - ""
How can I modify the code to specify the encoding or solve this problem?
Sub TxtCopy()
Dim sPath As String
Dim iRow As Long
Dim strString As String
Dim strString1 As String
Dim strString2 As String
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim xFile As File
Dim xFolder As Folder
Dim Location As Variant
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Location = InputBox("Introduceti calea fisierelor TXT")
Set xFolder = fso.GetFolder(Location & "\")
iRow = 1 ' Row to start inserting data
For Each xFile In xFolder.Files
If InStr(1, xFile.Name, ".txt") <> 0 Then
Dim lFile As Long
Dim szLine As String
lFile = FreeFile()
Open xFile.Path For Input As lFile
strString = ""
While Not EOF(lFile)
Line Input #lFile, szLine
' Concatenete lines from text file
strString = strString & szLine & vbCrLf
strString1 = xFile.Name
strString2 = xFolder.Name
' Add to cell
Cells(iRow, 2).Value = strString
Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Left(strString1, Len(strString1) - 4)
Cells(iRow, 3).Value = strString2
iRow = iRow + 1
' Close the file
Close lFile
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
Next ' End of LOOP
MsgBox "Completed!"
End Sub