EDIT: Nevermind - I figured it out. Used xlPasteAllUsingSourceTheme.
I'm trying to paste a sheet from one workbook to another (in the exact same formatting). The code works really well, but I'm having difficulty getting it to paste in the exact formatting.
I tried xlPasteAll (gets me close but doesn't have the borders), xlPasteValues (not formatting).
I'm trying to paste a sheet from one workbook to another (in the exact same formatting). The code works really well, but I'm having difficulty getting it to paste in the exact formatting.
I tried xlPasteAll (gets me close but doesn't have the borders), xlPasteValues (not formatting).
Option Explicit
Sub Insert_Process_List()
Dim wb As Workbook, CopyFromWbk As Workbook, CopyToWbk As Workbook
Dim ShToCopy As Worksheet, targetSheet As Worksheet, sht As Worksheet
Dim Answer As VbMsgBoxResult
Set CopyToWbk = ActiveWorkbook
Answer = MsgBox(" Open Program Processes List", vbOKCancel, "Open")
If Answer = vbCancel Then End
Set wb = FileDialog_Open()
If wb Is Nothing Then End
Call Sheet_Selector
Set CopyFromWbk = wb
Set ShToCopy = CopyFromWbk.ActiveSheet
Set targetSheet = CopyToWbk.Sheets.Add(After:=CopyToWbk.Sheets(CopyToWbk.Sheets.Count))
targetSheet.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
targetSheet.Name = "PROCESSES"
CopyFromWbk.Close False
End Sub
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