Hey everyone,
First time posting anything and very new to VBA as well. I gathered boatloads of research and watched countless videos in order to do something very specific.
I have hit a wall & cannot seem to find the correct solution. I have found something that is VERY close to a solution these forums but not a perfect fit for the data I am trying to extract.
Reference post - (vba find first set of numbers ignoring any subsequent post)
In an alphanumeric string I would would like to extract all text up to the first numeric value, then remove everything after that numeric value. I’ve tried a bunch of different things on my own, but they haven’t worked in every scenario case. Below are generic examples of data & the values I’m looking to return
1.Dogworld 12 Andrew Hopper special edition variant 526
- return dogworld 12
2.Dogworld 12 generic edition WGC
- return Dogworld 12
3. Radioworld 139 edition home 30
- return Radioworld 139
4. Radioworld 139 Harry Testiburger limited sketch variant
- return Radioworld 139
5. NewYorkreview 8 Scott Tenemen best parental Chili edition
- return NewYorkreview 8
So on and so forth
All I need is the title & the first numeric value which denotes it apart, because I can have 2 bits of data in the same spreadsheet with the same title, So I must distinguish them, only the very first numeric value is necessary & nothing after
If I could I would also return the values with no spaces but, that is just a request.
Example of that would be dogworld12 from above
Any help would be phenomenal! I cannot post real world data onto a forum or anywhere for that matter, else I would gladly share it.
Thank you
First time posting anything and very new to VBA as well. I gathered boatloads of research and watched countless videos in order to do something very specific.
I have hit a wall & cannot seem to find the correct solution. I have found something that is VERY close to a solution these forums but not a perfect fit for the data I am trying to extract.
Reference post - (vba find first set of numbers ignoring any subsequent post)
In an alphanumeric string I would would like to extract all text up to the first numeric value, then remove everything after that numeric value. I’ve tried a bunch of different things on my own, but they haven’t worked in every scenario case. Below are generic examples of data & the values I’m looking to return
1.Dogworld 12 Andrew Hopper special edition variant 526
- return dogworld 12
2.Dogworld 12 generic edition WGC
- return Dogworld 12
3. Radioworld 139 edition home 30
- return Radioworld 139
4. Radioworld 139 Harry Testiburger limited sketch variant
- return Radioworld 139
5. NewYorkreview 8 Scott Tenemen best parental Chili edition
- return NewYorkreview 8
So on and so forth
All I need is the title & the first numeric value which denotes it apart, because I can have 2 bits of data in the same spreadsheet with the same title, So I must distinguish them, only the very first numeric value is necessary & nothing after
If I could I would also return the values with no spaces but, that is just a request.
Example of that would be dogworld12 from above
Any help would be phenomenal! I cannot post real world data onto a forum or anywhere for that matter, else I would gladly share it.
Thank you