Hi all,
I am hoping someone can help me make my excel spreadsheet read a text file line by line and assign variables to those lines so they can be referenced further down the marco to hyperlink.
First I would like the macro to read a .txt file line by line and give say line 1 = certain text and line 2 = certain text
following this I would like to being able to hyperlink using those values where I can assign the values
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:= _
"C:$line1$line2", TextToDisplay:="$line2.csv"
I am hoping someone can help me make my excel spreadsheet read a text file line by line and assign variables to those lines so they can be referenced further down the marco to hyperlink.
First I would like the macro to read a .txt file line by line and give say line 1 = certain text and line 2 = certain text
following this I would like to being able to hyperlink using those values where I can assign the values
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:= _
"C:$line1$line2", TextToDisplay:="$line2.csv"