I have been tasked to keep basketball league stats for a recreation league. I am in need of some VBA help in excel to be able to take the games box scores and create team stats. My goal is to be able to use the macro to create a new tab with the team name on it and calculate (update) the stats for the teams from game to game for the season totals. If someone could help me with a solution to a VBA code it would be appreciated. The actual workbook can be downloaded or viewed from my googles drive account located below.
There are 10 teams involved in the league so at least 10 tabs will need to be created in the workbook. In the end the macro needs to be able to add the new box score data to the teams current team totals. Thanks for any help on this as I have no clue how to do this and I am sure I have been asking the question in wrong ways when trying to do a search on the answer.

There are 10 teams involved in the league so at least 10 tabs will need to be created in the workbook. In the end the macro needs to be able to add the new box score data to the teams current team totals. Thanks for any help on this as I have no clue how to do this and I am sure I have been asking the question in wrong ways when trying to do a search on the answer.