I'm doing a VBA macro button for automatizing some filtering and copying of new data from an Excel book/query (wb1) to another book refering to a client (wb2) with the latter's format.
More specifically, I look for the last value in column 3 of wb2 and save it (I name it 'prt'), I filter the name of the client in column 5 of wb1.
Then, in the same wb1, I look for the last row containing the prt in column 12 and I name it 'k'.
Now, what I need to do is to copy the specialcells in the wb1 range "Cells('k+1', 10), Cells('last-filtered-row', 16)" and paste them below the last written row of wb2, with its upper rows cell format.
But 'k+1' is not the next row of the filtered table of wb1 (it's 11301), and I don't know how to call it, same for the last filtered row (which coincides with the next from k, in this case).
I managed, at least, to select the whole columns from 10 to 16 of the filtered table (last line of the code), but that's not what I need to do.
Also, is there a way I can only use numbers for refering to rows and columns? I can't manage to do it sistematically, and I end up using 'Range("L:L")', for example.
Here's the code I'm using:
Here's some images of the Excels if it helps:
Thanks in advance!
I'm doing a VBA macro button for automatizing some filtering and copying of new data from an Excel book/query (wb1) to another book refering to a client (wb2) with the latter's format.
More specifically, I look for the last value in column 3 of wb2 and save it (I name it 'prt'), I filter the name of the client in column 5 of wb1.
Then, in the same wb1, I look for the last row containing the prt in column 12 and I name it 'k'.
Now, what I need to do is to copy the specialcells in the wb1 range "Cells('k+1', 10), Cells('last-filtered-row', 16)" and paste them below the last written row of wb2, with its upper rows cell format.
But 'k+1' is not the next row of the filtered table of wb1 (it's 11301), and I don't know how to call it, same for the last filtered row (which coincides with the next from k, in this case).
I managed, at least, to select the whole columns from 10 to 16 of the filtered table (last line of the code), but that's not what I need to do.
Also, is there a way I can only use numbers for refering to rows and columns? I can't manage to do it sistematically, and I end up using 'Range("L:L")', for example.
Here's the code I'm using:
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'actualizar datos
Const w1 As String = "Pack horas por fecha intervencion (pruebas).xlsx"
Const w2 As String = "Abacus Pack horas 18112021 (pruebas).xlsm"
Set wb1 = Workbooks(w1)
Set ws1 = wb1.Sheets(1)
Set wb2 = Workbooks(w2)
Set ws2 = wb2.Sheets(2)
Dim i, k As Long
i = ws2.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row 'the row where the prt will be
Dim prt As String
ws2.Cells(i, 3).Select 'just to highlight it
prt = ws2.Cells(i, 3).Value
Dim C, where As Range, whatt As String
Dim cliente As Range
Set cliente = ws1.Range("E1")
cliente.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:="ABACUS*"
whatt = prt
Set C = ws1.Range("L:L")
Set PVP = C.Find(what:=whatt, after:=C(1), searchdirection:=xlPrevious)
k = PVP.Rows(PVP.Rows.Count).Row 'k = 10833
End Sub
Here's some images of the Excels if it helps:
Thanks in advance!