I'm looking for a Macro to run that will lookup "Project #" in Sheet 1 (named ProjectID), copy its adjacent cell value on the right, look for every time the word "Project #" appears in the remaining sheets and paste the previously copied value into the adjacent cell on the right.
[e.g. Project # is in the ProjectID tab, cell C4 with "100" in D4. "Project #" appears on each remaining sheets multiple times in varying cells (such as L4, A56, BZ60, etc.) and want "100" to appear in the cell to the right on those remaining sheets.]
I'm looking for this to run for multiple lookup fields: "Project #", "Project", "Computed By", "Checked By", "Sheet No", "Subject", and two "Date" fields (I figured these could be differentiated using a space at the end?)
There are six worksheets for the script to run through: "Building & Loads", "Areas", "Live Loads", "Foundation_LoadFactor_1", "Foundation_LoadFactor_0.6_0.7", "Foundation_LoadFactor_0.45_0.52"
The premise is I have a project full of calculations that I need to print to pdf. To make the Excel calcs match the hand clacs, I created a "header" in the upper most rows of each page break to mimic the one on the stationary. Instead of pasting or referencing the project number and date, etc. by hand - I just went everything to auto populate. In total, there are 61 PDF pages, so you can see why I don't want to go in and reference cells.
I have an additional question that I will be posting in a separate post also, but I'm also looking for a VBA that will calculate and return value of the current page number and then the total number of printed pages in the entire workbook so I can add "PageNum. of Total Printed PDF Pages" in the header field as well.
[e.g. Project # is in the ProjectID tab, cell C4 with "100" in D4. "Project #" appears on each remaining sheets multiple times in varying cells (such as L4, A56, BZ60, etc.) and want "100" to appear in the cell to the right on those remaining sheets.]
I'm looking for this to run for multiple lookup fields: "Project #", "Project", "Computed By", "Checked By", "Sheet No", "Subject", and two "Date" fields (I figured these could be differentiated using a space at the end?)
There are six worksheets for the script to run through: "Building & Loads", "Areas", "Live Loads", "Foundation_LoadFactor_1", "Foundation_LoadFactor_0.6_0.7", "Foundation_LoadFactor_0.45_0.52"
The premise is I have a project full of calculations that I need to print to pdf. To make the Excel calcs match the hand clacs, I created a "header" in the upper most rows of each page break to mimic the one on the stationary. Instead of pasting or referencing the project number and date, etc. by hand - I just went everything to auto populate. In total, there are 61 PDF pages, so you can see why I don't want to go in and reference cells.
I have an additional question that I will be posting in a separate post also, but I'm also looking for a VBA that will calculate and return value of the current page number and then the total number of printed pages in the entire workbook so I can add "PageNum. of Total Printed PDF Pages" in the header field as well.