Hi Everybody,
I have created a code that goes through all rows of a column and apply some conditions and create values in other columns, vode works fine but i want code to loop through other columns, see my code below here i loop through column C but after column C is done i want to apply same loop to column D and so on.... So everything will stay same just column c needs to change each time, is there anyway to do this? Any help or clue will be appreciated much. Many thanks,
I have created a code that goes through all rows of a column and apply some conditions and create values in other columns, vode works fine but i want code to loop through other columns, see my code below here i loop through column C but after column C is done i want to apply same loop to column D and so on.... So everything will stay same just column c needs to change each time, is there anyway to do this? Any help or clue will be appreciated much. Many thanks,
sub trial ()
dim ep as integer
dim tp as integer
dim i as integer
dim j as integer
dim strt as integer
dim endt as integer
dim gval as integer
ep = 10
tp =10
worksheets("sheet1" ).select
for i = ep to ep+tp+4
strt = i-10
endt = strt +9
for j = strt to endt
if range("C" & i).value < 50 then
range("F" & j).value = range("E" & j).value *2
else: range("F" & j).value = range("E" & j).value
end if
gval = application.worksheetfunction.sum(range(cells(strt,6),cells(endt,6)))
range("G" & i).value = gval
next j
range("F5:F600"). clear
next i
end sub