Vba loop through 2 columns


New Member
Jul 29, 2016

I am creating a xml file from excel using vba. I have a list of stockcodes in a column and list of Warehouses in a column .
Each stock code must be attached to all warehouse. I want the code to selected the first stock code in column A and create the xml stockcode warehouse combination then move to A2 and then repeat then repeat the process until cell in the stockcode column = "" (so one stockcode many warehouses) Many thanks for your assistance

Here is the code below. I am not sure how to loop correctly
Private Sub WarehouseWHXM()
Dim Row1
Dim Wh

Document = Document & "<setupinvwarehouse>"

Row1 = 7
ROW = 2

Do While Range("AH" & ROW).Text <> ""
Do While Range("A" & Row1).Text <> ""

Document = Document & "<item>"
Document = Document & "<key>"
Document = Document & "<stockcode>" & Range("A" & Row1).Text & "</stockcode>"
Document = Document & "<warehouse>" & Range("AH" & ROW).Text & "</warehouse>"
Document = Document & "</key>"
Document = Document & "<costmultiplier>1.10</costmultiplier>"
Document = Document & "<unitcost>10.00</unitcost>"
Document = Document & "</item>"
Row1 = Row1 + 1
ROW = ROW + 1
Document = Document & "</setupinvwarehouse>"

'Create file
   Dim FSO
   Dim FSOFile
   Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   'Set FSOFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("\\Tevdbn-app-01\SYSPRO7\DFM\GlUpdate\GLChanges.xml")
   Set FSOFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("C:\New folder\new.xml")
  FSOFile.WriteLine (Document)


Set FSO = Nothing
Set FSOFile = Nothing
Document = ""

End Sub
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Try changing

[COLOR=#333333]Do While Range("AH" & ROW).Text <> ""[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Do While Range("A" & Row1).Text <> ""[/COLOR]


[COLOR=#333333]Do While [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]Not[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333] Range("AH" & ROW).Text [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]=[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333] ""[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Do While [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]Not[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333] Range("A" & Row1).Text [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]=[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333] ""[/COLOR]
Upvote 0
What Dave said above should work, but my question is why do you use Document = Document & "" so much? What is that doing?

When I run the code you have and the following on a junk file I created I get the same results each time

Private Sub WarehouseWHXM()

Dim FSO, STOCK, Wh, FSOFile, Row1, ROW

Row1 = 7
ROW = 2

    Do While Not Range("AH" & ROW).Text = ""
        Do While Not Range("A" & Row1).Text = ""
            Document = Document & "" & Range("A" & Row1).Text & ""
            Document = Document & "" & Range("AH" & ROW).Text & ""
            Document = Document & "1.10"
            Document = Document & "10.00"
            Row1 = Row1 + 1
    ROW = ROW + 1

'Create file

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set FSOFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("\\Tevdbn-app-01\SYSPRO7\DFM\GlUpdate\GLChanges.xml")
Set FSOFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("C:\New folder\new.xml")

FSOFile.WriteLine (Document)

Set FSO = Nothing
Set FSOFile = Nothing

End Sub
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What Dave said above should work, but my question is why do you use Document = Document & "" so much? What is that doing?

When I run the code you have and the following on a junk file I created I get the same results each time

Example of the XML file create
[COLOR=blue]<?xml version="1.0"?>[/COLOR]
<style xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">@namespace html url([url]http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);[/url] :root {                       font:small Verdana;        font-weight: bold;         padding: 2em;              padding-left:4em;       }                          * {                           display: block;            padding-left: 2em;      }                          html|style {                  display: none;          }                          html|span, html|a {           display: inline;           padding: 0;                font-weight: normal;       text-decoration: none;  }                          html|span.block {             display: block;         }                          *[html|hidden],            span.block[html|hidden] {     display: none;          }                          .expand {                     display: block;         }                          .expand:before {              content: '+';              color: red;                position: absolute;        left: -1em;             }  .collapse {                   display: block;         }                          .collapse:before {            content: '-';              color: red;                position: absolute;        left:-1em;              }                         </style>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]SetupInvMaster[/COLOR]>[/URL]<item>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/URL]<stockcode><[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>ABC1000110010[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</stockcode><warehouse><[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>21[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</warehouse>[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</item><item>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/URL]<stockcode><[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>ACC0001[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</stockcode><warehouse><[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>21[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</warehouse>[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</item><item>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/URL]<stockcode><[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>1231[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</stockcode><warehouse><[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>21[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</warehouse>[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</item><item>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/URL]<stockcode><[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>12313[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</stockcode><warehouse><[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>21[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</warehouse>[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/COLOR]</item>[COLOR=blue]</[COLOR=#990000]SetupInvMaster[/COLOR]>

So the code is selecting all the stockcodes in the list but is only creating the xml for the first warehouse in the list. I want the code to create the xml for each warehouse in the list. (Same stockcode-different warehouse) The next warehouse in the list is 22. The code must repeat the above for the next warehouse and the next warehouse in the list until the end of the warehouse list

Thank you for your assistance
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Try changing

[COLOR=#333333]Do While Range("AH" & ROW).Text <> ""[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Do While Range("A" & Row1).Text <> ""[/COLOR]


[COLOR=#333333]Do While [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]Not[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333] Range("AH" & ROW).Text [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]=[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333] ""[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Do While [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]Not[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333] Range("A" & Row1).Text [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]=[/COLOR][COLOR=#333333] ""[/COLOR]

Hi Dave

Example of the XML file create
[COLOR=blue]<!--?xml version="1.0"?-->[/COLOR]
[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]SetupInvMaster[/COLOR]>[/URL]<item>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/URL]<stockcode><[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>ABC1000110010<font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]></stockcode><warehouse><[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>21<font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]></warehouse><font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]></item><item>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/URL]<stockcode><[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>ACC0001<font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]></stockcode><warehouse><[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>21<font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]></warehouse><font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]></item><item>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/URL]<stockcode><[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>1231<font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]></stockcode><warehouse><[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>21<font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]></warehouse><font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]></item><item>[URL="file:///C:/New%20folder/new.xml#"]<[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]>[/URL]<stockcode><[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]>12313<font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]StockCode[/COLOR]></stockcode><warehouse><[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]>21<font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]Warehouse[/COLOR]></warehouse><font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]Item[/COLOR]></item><font color="blue"><!--[COLOR=#990000]SetupInvMaster[/COLOR]>

So the code is selecting all the stockcodes in the list but is only creating the xml for the first warehouse in the list. I want the code to create the xml for each warehouse in the list. (Same stockcode-different warehouse) The next warehouse in the list is 22. The code must repeat the above for the next warehouse and the next warehouse in the list until the end of the warehouse list

Thank you for your assistance
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So you need this to create multiple XML files?
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No one xml file with all the information in it. Repeating the code for each warehouse in the list . One stock code multiple warehouses
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Try this, I changed your ROW Row1 to help me identify what each was doing... let me know if this is at least closer to what you are looking for.

Private Sub WarehouseWHXM()

Dim rStock As Long, rWare As Long
Dim FSO As Object, FSOFile

Document = Document & "<setupinvwarehouse>"

rStock = 7
rWare = 2

Do While Range("A" & rStock).Text <> ""

    Do While Range("AH" & rWare).Text <> ""
        Document = Document & "<item>"
        Document = Document & "<key>"
        Document = Document & "<stockcode>" & Range("A" & rStock).Text & "</stockcode>"
        Document = Document & "<warehouse>" & Range("AH" & rWare).Text & "</warehouse>"
        Document = Document & "</key>"
        Document = Document & "<costmultiplier>1.10</costmultiplier>"
        Document = Document & "<unitcost>10.00</unitcost>"
        Document = Document & "</item>"
        rWare = rWare + 1
    rStock = rStock + 1

    Document = Document & "</setupinvwarehouse>"
    'Create file
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    'Set FSOFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("\\Tevdbn-app-01\SYSPRO7\DFM\GlUpdate\GLChanges.xml")
    Set FSOFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("C:\New folder\new_" & stWare & ".xml")
    FSOFile.WriteLine (Document)
    Set FSO = Nothing
    Set FSOFile = Nothing
    Document = ""

End Sub

Every time I save this post it removes everything within the <> so you will have to re-add all of that...
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After looking at the code more and re-reading your last comment, if there is only ONE (1) Stockcode then the first Loop is not required. It does not matter how many times the stockcode is listed within Column A if it is always the same, plus the way this is set up it will never pull Warehouses for any other stockcode in the list because the rWare never resets to 2... if this is all true then here is a shortened version of the code:

Private Sub WarehouseWHXM()

Dim rStock As Long, rWare As Long
Dim FSO As Object, FSOFile
Document = Document & "<setupinvwarehouse>"

rStock = 7
rWare = 2

Do While Range("AH" & rWare).Text <> ""

    Document = Document & "<item>"
    Document = Document & "<key>"
    Document = Document & "<stockcode>" & Range("A" & rStock).Text & "</stockcode>"
    Document = Document & "<warehouse>" & Range("AH" & rWare).Text & "</warehouse>"
    Document = Document & "</key>"
    Document = Document & "<costmultiplier>1.10</costmultiplier>"
    Document = Document & "<unitcost>10.00</unitcost>"
    Document = Document & "</item>"
    rWare = rWare + 1


Document = Document & "</setupinvwarehouse>"

'Create file
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set FSOFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("\\Tevdbn-app-01\SYSPRO7\DFM\GlUpdate\GLChanges.xml")
Set FSOFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("C:\New folder\new.xml")

FSOFile.WriteLine (Document)

Set FSO = Nothing
Set FSOFile = Nothing
Document = ""

End Sub
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Column a has a list of stockcode ie A1 =1234, A2= 12223, A3=11232 Etc
Column AG has a list of Warehouses Ag1 = 21, Ag 2= 22, AG3 =25, AG4 = 26 etc

I want the code to go to stockcode in A1 - 1234 and create xml stockcode 1234
Warehouse 21

Stockcode 1234
Warehouse 22 until all warehouse is create for this code then

When the code is finish with the first stock code it must move to the next stock code and repeat as above with the next Stock code in column there are no more stockcodes in column A

hope this makes more sense


Hope this explains it beter
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