Hi. I'd like some help. Went back and realised i need to change the filter criteria. Its still every 3rd mention but now it would be based on two criteria: the name of the item and a 3rd unique mention from a account. I'll drop an example below to explain
ACCOUNT - PROJECT - TIMEDATE - Rate (acct) - Rate(proj) - Rate(mention from that account)
10xe001 - jagudam - 12/03/22 - A - 1 - i
10xe001 - jagudam - 12/03/22 - A - 1 - ii
10xe002 - mandela - 12/03/22 - B - 2 - i
10xe002 - nsobu - 13/0/22 - B - 3 - i
10xe001 - mandela - 13/03/22 - A - 2 - i
10xe003 - mandela - 14/03/22 - C - 2 - i
10xe004 - mandela - 14/03/22 - D - 1 - i
10xe002 - caricature - 14/03/22 - B - 4 - i
10xe002 - nsobu - 14/03/22 - B - 3 - ii
10xe002 - deeper life - 16/03/22 - B - 5 - i
10xe001 - deeper life - 17/03/22 - A - 5 - i
10xe001 - jagudam - 17/03/22 - A - 1 - iii
10xe004 - jagudam - 18/03/22 - D - 1 - ii
10xe004 - jagudam - 18/03/22 - D - 1 - iii
10xe005 - jagudam - 18/03/22 - E - 1 - i
10xe002 - jagudam - 18/03/22 - B - 1 - i
10xe003 - mandela - 18/03/22 - C - 2 - ii
10xe003 - nsobu - 18/03/22 - C - 3 - i
10xe003 - mandela - 18/03/22 - C - 2 - iii
10xe003 - mandela - 18/03/22 - C - 2 - iv
10xe005 - mandela - 18/03/22 - E - 2 - i
10xe003 - caricature - 19/03/22 - C - 4 - i
10xe001 - nsobu - 19/03/22 - A - 3 - i
10xe001 - deeper life - 19/03/22 - A - 5 - ii
10xe004 - deeper life - 20/03/22 - D - 5 - i
10xe004 - jagudam - 22/03/22 - D - 1 - iii
10xe005 - jagudam - 22/03/22 - E - 1 - ii
10xe003 - jagudam - 22/03/22 - C - 1 - i
10xe004 - jagudam - 23/03/22 - D - 1 - iv
10xe002 - jagudam - 24/03/22 - B - 1 - ii
10xe001 - jagudam - 24/03/22 - A - 1 - iv
10xe001 - mandela - 25/03/22 - A - 2 - ii
10xe001 - nsobu - 25/03/22 - A - 3 - ii
10xe001 - mandela - 25/03/22 - A - 2 - iii
10xe002 - mandela - 25/03/22 - B - 2 - i
10xe002 - mandela - 25/03/22 - B - 2 - ii
10xe004 - caricature - 25/03/22 - D - 4 - i
10xe005 - nsobu - 25/03/22 - E - 3 - i
10xe005 - deeper life - 25/03/22 - E - 5 - i
10xe005 - deeper life - 26/03/22 - E - 5 - ii
10xe005 - jagudam - 27/03/22 - E - 1 - iii
10xe001 - jagudam - 27/03/22 - A - 1 - v
10xe005 - jagudam - 28/03/22 - E - 1 - iv
The emojis indicate a highlighted result, each emoji type for a different project. Here is the key
Jagudam - 1 -
Mandela - 2 -
Nsobu - 3 -
Caricature - 4 -
Deeper life - 5 -
*C-2-i where the 'C' are the account numbers, '2' are the projects, and 'i' is the sequence of times the same account appears with the same project
Above, when a project appears with a third unique account, it is selected. So for example the first selection: account 001 appears with mandela, then account 002 then when account 003 appears with mandela, that entry is selected, and the filter resets itself and starts acounting again. With Jagudam for eg, account 001 appeared with it multiple time, but it wasn't until the third unique account, account 005, that the selection was made
Can this be achieved?