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Related to, but sufficiently different from:
Classifying business customers: we have programs where each business aims for a Type (Good, Better, Best), and we measure what type they achieve based on a number of factors.
So if a business wants to be a type Better, all 4 of these categories (fields) must be met:
TopStock = BEST
In the cases where a business does NOT meet the criteria for their desired Type, I'd like to list why. So for example, if this business who wants to be Better lists the following:
TopStock = GOOD
I'd like a variable to list the field names of the factors they failed on:
Variable = "TopStock,Cat3"
I've included my code (so far) below - skip down to the Hash Tags (####) for the part about this question:
Classifying business customers: we have programs where each business aims for a Type (Good, Better, Best), and we measure what type they achieve based on a number of factors.
So if a business wants to be a type Better, all 4 of these categories (fields) must be met:
TopStock = BEST
In the cases where a business does NOT meet the criteria for their desired Type, I'd like to list why. So for example, if this business who wants to be Better lists the following:
TopStock = GOOD
I'd like a variable to list the field names of the factors they failed on:
Variable = "TopStock,Cat3"
I've included my code (so far) below - skip down to the Hash Tags (####) for the part about this question:
Option Compare Database
Public Sub TypeAchieved()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim x As Long
Dim TypeAchieved As String
Dim Met As String
Dim Miss As String
'*!*!*!Field "TYPEAIMED" is the goal. TypeAchieved a.k.a. Earned is where they're at currently*!*!*
'%&%&% skip down to ######s for question (this area for bkground) %&%&%&%&%&
'//Table2 is now a copy of signups, plus "earned" and "missing" as extra fields
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Table2", dbOpenTable)
Do While Not rs.EOF
With rs
TypeAchieved = ""
'//Type BEST
If TypeAchieved = "" Then
x = 0
x = x + IIf(rs!TopStock = "BEST", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat2 = "50plus", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat3= "yes", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat4= "yes", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat5= "yes", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Disp1 = "yes" Or rs!Disp2 = "yes" Or rs!Disp3 = "yes", 1, 0)
If x = 6 Then '////this should be the number of factors above
TypeAchieved = "BEST1" 'corr. to BEST
End If
End If
'//Type BETTER
If TypeAchieved = "" Then
x = 0
x = x + IIf(rs!TopStock = "BETTER" Or rs!TopStock = "ALMOST BEST" Or rs!TopStock = "BEST", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat2= "50plus", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat4 = "yes", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!cAT5 = "yes", 1, 0)
If x = 4 Then
TypeAchieved = "BETTER1" 'corr. to Better
End If
End If
'//Type GOOD
If TypeAchieved = "" Then
x = 0
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat2 = "25-49" Or rs!Cat2 = "50plus", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat4 = "yes", 1, 0)
x = x + IIf(rs!Cat5 = "yes", 1, 0)
If x = 3 Then
TypeAchieved = "GOOD1" 'corr. to Good
Else: TypeAchieved = "N/A"
End If
End If
'######## how achievement compares to aim ##############
If TypeAchieved = "BEST1" Then 'If TypeAchieved is any lower than BEST1, it doesn't count
Met = TypeAchieved
Else: Met = "notbest"
End If
End If
If rs!TYPEAIMED = "Better" Then
If TypeAchieved = "BETTER1" Then 'If TypeAchieved is any lower than BETTER1, it doesn't count
Met = TypeAchieved
Else: Met = "notbetter"
End If
End If
If rs!TYPEAIMED = "Good" Then
If TypeAchieved = "GOOD1" Then 'If TypeAchieved is any lower than GOOD1, it doesn't count
Met = TypeAchieved
Else: Met = "notgood"
End If
End If
'###### 'If Not Met = TypeAchieved Then
'###### 'Miss = list fieldnames that were value 0
!Earned = IIf(TypeAchieved = "", Null, TypeAchieved)
'####### ' !Missing = IIf(Miss = "", Null, Miss)
End With
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub