I'm stuck with an IF statement but I just can't get it right:
What I'm trying to write is IF Range("D2").value is either "H", "N", "P" or "R" or if Range("H2").value is less than 7999 or between 22100 and 26500 Then...
I know how to write the first part (= all the OR's) but how can I add the last one (= Or (Range("H2").value >22100 And Range("H2").value<26500) to the IF statement?
What I'm trying to write is IF Range("D2").value is either "H", "N", "P" or "R" or if Range("H2").value is less than 7999 or between 22100 and 26500 Then...
I know how to write the first part (= all the OR's) but how can I add the last one (= Or (Range("H2").value >22100 And Range("H2").value<26500) to the IF statement?