Long story short I am always reading about VBA and trying to implement pasted code I find on this site...all with no success. Can someone make an idiot proof set of instructions for how to do the following?
I have a workbook:
Sheet 1+2 are for user data input
Sheet 3 is user notes
Sheet 4 shows users which sheets by name have a value greater than 0 in Cell E33 and therefore an invoice should be sent
Sheets 5-69 are Invoices that are generated using formulas from Sheet 1 and 2 data.
All sheet names are unique I am referring to them in sequential order.
In Cell "E33" of each sheet 5-69 there is a total invoice amount...if this number is zero, I want the sheet to hide. If this number is more than zero I want sheet to be visible. I figure this can be done in 2 ways...1: If E33 >0 then hide (for EVERY sheet 5-69) or 2: If corresponding value on Sheet 4 shows 0 then hide.
I hope this makes sense.

Anyways I tried to use this:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("E33")) Is Nothing Then
If Range("E33").Value = 0 And Not IsEmpty(Range("E33")) Then
Me.Visible = xlSheetHidden
Me.Visible = xlSheetVisible
End If
End If
End Sub
But am a complete NOOB and have no idea why it is not working. I am such a NOOB that it is hard for me to even know how to paste this jazz. Here are the steps I took:
Open Visual Basic
Select Sheet 5 from left handed tree thing
Insert Module Effecting only this page
Paste Code
Exit back out to sheet
...Notice that is has not worked as there is nothing in E33 of sheet 5 at the moment.
Tried to "RUN" it and just became more confused and still no winning.
I have a workbook:
Sheet 1+2 are for user data input
Sheet 3 is user notes
Sheet 4 shows users which sheets by name have a value greater than 0 in Cell E33 and therefore an invoice should be sent
Sheets 5-69 are Invoices that are generated using formulas from Sheet 1 and 2 data.
All sheet names are unique I am referring to them in sequential order.
In Cell "E33" of each sheet 5-69 there is a total invoice amount...if this number is zero, I want the sheet to hide. If this number is more than zero I want sheet to be visible. I figure this can be done in 2 ways...1: If E33 >0 then hide (for EVERY sheet 5-69) or 2: If corresponding value on Sheet 4 shows 0 then hide.
I hope this makes sense.

Anyways I tried to use this:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("E33")) Is Nothing Then
If Range("E33").Value = 0 And Not IsEmpty(Range("E33")) Then
Me.Visible = xlSheetHidden
Me.Visible = xlSheetVisible
End If
End If
End Sub
But am a complete NOOB and have no idea why it is not working. I am such a NOOB that it is hard for me to even know how to paste this jazz. Here are the steps I took:
Open Visual Basic
Select Sheet 5 from left handed tree thing
Insert Module Effecting only this page
Paste Code
Exit back out to sheet
...Notice that is has not worked as there is nothing in E33 of sheet 5 at the moment.
Tried to "RUN" it and just became more confused and still no winning.