hi, I attached the spreadsheet I am looking at as an example for the code. although I have the logic, i am having trouble writing a code to do the following in sheet 1:
searching through column A, find a cell that has a period in it starting from A3 (so the first one the macro should find it A5) multiply the number 1 row above it in row titled shares and price (so column b times c except I want it to be dynamic and reference the column title) and paste that value in the next available column BUT in the row where it originally referenced the cell (so D2 for this example)
logically, I just want the product of the last ticker in a set that is defined by starting with a period and ending right before the next period. so A2:A4, A5:A7,A8:A12, A13:A16 are all sets here. then I want to take that value and assign it to the title of the set which starts with a period. after that, I would like to delete all rows that don't start with a period and am left with something like what is on sheet 2.
please advise if you have any ideas on how to accomplish this!
<style><!--table {mso-displayed-decimal-separator:"\."; mso-displayed-thousand-separator:"\,";}@page {margin:1.0in .75in 1.0in .75in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in;}td {padding-top:1px; padding-right:1px; padding-left:1px; mso-ignoreadding; color:black; font-size:12.0pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; font-family:Calibri, sans-serif; mso-font-charset:134; mso-number-format:General; text-align:general; vertical-align:bottom; border:none; mso-background-source:auto; mso-pattern:auto; mso-protection:locked visible; white-space:nowrap; mso-rotate:0;}.xl63 {color:black;}--></style>
searching through column A, find a cell that has a period in it starting from A3 (so the first one the macro should find it A5) multiply the number 1 row above it in row titled shares and price (so column b times c except I want it to be dynamic and reference the column title) and paste that value in the next available column BUT in the row where it originally referenced the cell (so D2 for this example)
logically, I just want the product of the last ticker in a set that is defined by starting with a period and ending right before the next period. so A2:A4, A5:A7,A8:A12, A13:A16 are all sets here. then I want to take that value and assign it to the title of the set which starts with a period. after that, I would like to delete all rows that don't start with a period and am left with something like what is on sheet 2.
please advise if you have any ideas on how to accomplish this!
<style><!--table {mso-displayed-decimal-separator:"\."; mso-displayed-thousand-separator:"\,";}@page {margin:1.0in .75in 1.0in .75in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in;}td {padding-top:1px; padding-right:1px; padding-left:1px; mso-ignoreadding; color:black; font-size:12.0pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; font-family:Calibri, sans-serif; mso-font-charset:134; mso-number-format:General; text-align:general; vertical-align:bottom; border:none; mso-background-source:auto; mso-pattern:auto; mso-protection:locked visible; white-space:nowrap; mso-rotate:0;}.xl63 {color:black;}--></style>