I am attempting to use VBA code to navigate through multiple links with each taking me to a new destination each time (this from a VBA standpoint I understand).
I have encountered a link with href="javascript:void(null)"...
My question revolves around trying to dig deeper into the URL that sits behind this href.
I was thinking that if I could determine this URL it would save me the steps of having to click multiple links to get to my end destination...
The HTML is below:
<a name="SectionElements" onclick="return DashboardReportLink('saw.dll?Go&Path=%2fshared%2fXXXX%20XXXXX%20XXXXX%2fELXXX%20-%20ED%20Visits%20by%20XXXX%20of%20Stay&Action=promptstart&style=Custom&Options=mrd', 'd:dashboard~p:usdl82p418i15ed6~rm1vepvlehbshlkn','Dashboard&PortalPath=%2fshared%2fBackOffice%20Dashboard%20Group%2f_portal%2fBack%20Office&Page=XXXX%20and%20XXXXX', true)" href="javascript:void(null)">XX803 - XX XXXX XX XXXX XX XXX</a>
With the HTML after "onclick" I guess I'm essentially asking if it is possible to access this without prompting VBA to click?
I have encountered a link with href="javascript:void(null)"...
My question revolves around trying to dig deeper into the URL that sits behind this href.
I was thinking that if I could determine this URL it would save me the steps of having to click multiple links to get to my end destination...
The HTML is below:
<a name="SectionElements" onclick="return DashboardReportLink('saw.dll?Go&Path=%2fshared%2fXXXX%20XXXXX%20XXXXX%2fELXXX%20-%20ED%20Visits%20by%20XXXX%20of%20Stay&Action=promptstart&style=Custom&Options=mrd', 'd:dashboard~p:usdl82p418i15ed6~rm1vepvlehbshlkn','Dashboard&PortalPath=%2fshared%2fBackOffice%20Dashboard%20Group%2f_portal%2fBack%20Office&Page=XXXX%20and%20XXXXX', true)" href="javascript:void(null)">XX803 - XX XXXX XX XXXX XX XXX</a>
With the HTML after "onclick" I guess I'm essentially asking if it is possible to access this without prompting VBA to click?