/vba/ how to make it the worksheet index becoming a variable for looping [workbook-link]


Well-known Member
Jan 26, 2011
Office Version
  1. 2010
  1. Windows
I am trying to putting together some work but the second part is difficult to find on internet what specifically I need.
this is the first part of the code already accomplish with a lot help.
VBA Code:
Sub L_100m_multipleSheets()
    Dim SrcWS As Worksheet, DestWS As Worksheet
    Dim rngData As Range, cell As Range
    Dim rngDest As Range
    Dim i As Long, m As Long, n As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Set SrcWS = Sheet3 'location of the array to read
    For j = 1 To 53
        Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
        Set DestWS = ActiveSheet
        Set rngDest = DestWS.Range("C2")
        n = 0
        For i = 0 To 5
            Set rngData = SrcWS.Range(SrcWS.Cells(2, 2 + i), SrcWS.Cells(SrcWS.Rows.Count, 2 + i).End(xlUp))
            m = -1
            For Each cell In rngData
                If cell = j Then
                    rngDest.Offset(0, m) = n
                    n = 0
                    m = m + 1
                    n = n + 1
                End If
            Next cell
            Set rngDest = rngDest.Offset(16)
        Next i
    Next j
End Sub
this code read an array of six columns and return the gaps between the same value, and every value have their own sheet to be display
now my problem is that the elementary basic code I did for the statistic propose have sheets that must be adjusted to according to what I am doing.
my workbook is in this link
and the code
What I just said is no clear also you can see the development and effort I putting to accomplished this
as a reference how this work start, what I need, what I am looking for and all those question can found answer in this link

so what I need to add is this code:
VBA Code:
Dim V, Rg As Range
    With Application
        For Each V In Split("B2 B18 B34 B50 B66 B82")
            Set Rg = Range(V, Range(V).End(xlToRight))
            Range(V)(3).Resize(4).Value2 = .Transpose(Array(.Average(Rg), .Count(Rg), .Max(Rg), .Mode(Rg)))
    End With
    Dim Cl As Long
 For Cl = 2 To Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
 Cells(1, Cl) = Abs(Cells(2, Cl) - Cells(2, Cl + 1))
 Cells(17, Cl) = Abs(Cells(18, Cl) - Cells(18, Cl + 1))
 Cells(33, Cl) = Abs(Cells(34, Cl) - Cells(35, Cl + 1))
 Cells(50, Cl) = Abs(Cells(51, Cl) - Cells(35, Cl + 1))
 Cells(66, Cl) = Abs(Cells(67, Cl) - Cells(35, Cl + 1))
 Cells(82, Cl) = Abs(Cells(83, Cl) - Cells(35, Cl + 1))
Range("B8").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B2:XX2,B7)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B9").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B2:XX2,B2)"   'QTY LAST
Range("B11").Formula = "=average(B1:XX1)" ' average distribution B1
':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: C 18:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Range("B24").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B18:XX18,B17)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B25").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B18:XX18,B18)"   'QTY LAST
Range("B27").Formula = "=average(B17:XX17)" ' average distribution B17

Range("B40").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B34:XX34,B33)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B41").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B34:XX34,B34)"   'QTY LAST
Range("B43").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B33:XX34,B33)"   'average distribution B33
Range("B56").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B50:XX50,B49)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B57").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B50:XX50,B50)"   'QTY LAST
Range("B72").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B66:XX66,B65)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B73").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B66:XX66,B66)"   'QTY LAST
Range("B88").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B82:XX82,B81)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B89").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B82:XX82,B82)"   'QTY LAST
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ColorRng As Range
Dim ColorCell As Range
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet8")                                                    ' this number also need to be in a loop
Set ColorRng = ws.Range("B5,B21,B37,B53,B69,B85")
For Each ColorCell In ColorRng
If ColorCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(ColorRng) Then
ColorCell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 153, 0)
End If
Range("B15").Formula = "=IF(B2>=B7,""NO"",""YES"")"
Sheet4.Range("Y4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B45").Value 'B

Range("B31").Formula = "=IF(B48>=B23,""NO"",""YES"")"
Sheet4.Range("Z4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B34").Value 'C

Range("B47").Formula = "=IF(B34>=B39,""NO"",""YES"")"
Sheet4.Range("AA4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B47").Value 'D

Range("B63").Formula = "=IF(B4>=B55,""NO"",""YES"")"
Sheet4.Range("AB4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B63").Value 'E

Range("B79").Formula = "=IF(B66>=B74,""NO"",""YES"")"
Sheet4.Range("AC4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B79").Value 'AC=F/4

Range("B95").Formula = "=IF(B82>=B87,""NO"",""YES"")"
Sheet4.Range("AD4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B95").Value 'AD=G/4
'::::::::::::::::::::::decision table 2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Range("B44").Formula = "=if(B9=4,""yes"",""no"")"
Sheet4.Range("J4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B44").Value ' this line on sheet (4) increase by one, in the next sheet would be J3 and the same with the other columns.

Range("B30").Formula = "=if(B25=4,""yes"",""no"")"   'this ranges are fix.
Sheet4.Range("K4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B30").Value

Range("B46").Formula = "=if(B44=4,""yes"",""no"")"
Sheet4.Range("L4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B46").Value

Range("B62").Formula = "=if(B57=4,""yes"",""no"")"
Sheet4.Range("M4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B62").Value

Range("B78").Formula = "=if(B73=4,""yes"",""no"")"
Sheet4.Range("N4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B78").Value

Range("B94").Formula = "=if(B89=4,""yes"",""no"")"
Sheet4.Range("O4").Value = Sheet8.Range("B94").Value

End Sub

[ATTACH type="full" width="515px"]41198[/ATTACH]
I would like to be able to change the index value of the worksheet in order to display the results on the right location
if you read this post, leave at least a note, last time my post got 300 views and only one person was able to solve
I hope to have better luck this time

thank you for reading this.


  • 1624206431611.png
    48.8 KB · Views: 25
See if the below code works for you. It contains 2 subs covering the 2 lots of code you had in your question and you will need to copy both into your module (take a backup first).

I have had to make some assumptions which include:-
  • Created sheets will be named with a prefix driven by this line:-
    DestWSPrefix = "Output" 'Identify output sheets
  • Any sheet starting with the above prefix will be deleted prior to running the rest of the code.
    You will get 1 chance to quite the macro at the point
  • I believe sheet4 is an old reference and that it is now sheet3, so I have used the SrcWS (sheet3) in the 2nd Sub for the summary output.
    All static sheets should be given a meaningful name and we can change what sheet is meant to be the summary sheet if we need to (in your original code referenced as Sheet4)
VBA Code:
Sub L_100m_multipleSheets()
    Dim SrcWS As Worksheet, DestWS As Worksheet
    Dim rngData As Range, cell As Range
    Dim rngDest As Range
    Dim i As Long, m As Long, n As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim DestWSPrefix As String
    Dim DestWSPrefixLen As Long
    Dim strMsg As String
    Dim MsgResponse As VbMsgBoxResult
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    DestWSPrefix = "Output"                                     'Identify output sheets
    DestWSPrefixLen = Len(DestWSPrefix)
    strMsg = "Running this macro will DELETE all existing " & vbCr
    strMsg = strMsg & "sheets starting with the prefix --> " & DestWSPrefix & vbCr & vbCr
    strMsg = strMsg & "Do you wish to continue ? "
    MsgResponse = MsgBox(Prompt:=strMsg, Buttons:=vbYesNo, Title:="Run Macro and Delete Previous Results")
    If MsgResponse = vbNo Then
        MsgBox "Macro terminated at users request"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Delete previous output sheets
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        If Left(ws.Name, DestWSPrefixLen) = DestWSPrefix Then
        End If
    Next ws
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Set SrcWS = Worksheets("Sheet3")                                        'location of the array to read
    For j = 1 To 3
        Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
        Set DestWS = ActiveSheet                                'location of the results to write
        DestWS.Name = DestWSPrefix & " " & Format(j, "00")      'Rename new Sheet based on j
        Set rngDest = DestWS.Range("C2")
        n = 0
        For i = 0 To 5
            Set rngData = SrcWS.Range(SrcWS.Cells(2, 2 + i), SrcWS.Cells(SrcWS.Rows.Count, 2 + i).End(xlUp))
            m = -1
            For Each cell In rngData
                If cell = j Then
                    rngDest.Offset(0, m) = n
                    n = 0
                    m = m + 1
                    n = n + 1
                End If
            Next cell
            Set rngDest = rngDest.Offset(16)
        Next i
        Call AddCalcsSummaryFormat(SrcWS)
    Next j
End Sub

Sub AddCalcsSummaryFormat(SrcWS As Worksheet)

    ' Assumptions:
    ' 1) that the Summary Output Sheet is the same as the Data Sheet
    ' 2) that the sub is run on the ActiveSheet being the newly added sheet
    Dim V, Rg As Range
        With Application
            For Each V In Split("B2 B18 B34 B50 B66 B82")
                Set Rg = Range(V, Range(V).End(xlToRight))
                Range(V)(3).Resize(4).Value2 = .Transpose(Array(.Average(Rg), .Count(Rg), .Max(Rg), .Mode(Rg)))
        End With
    Dim Cl As Long
    For Cl = 2 To Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
        Cells(1, Cl) = Abs(Cells(2, Cl) - Cells(2, Cl + 1))
        Cells(17, Cl) = Abs(Cells(18, Cl) - Cells(18, Cl + 1))
        Cells(33, Cl) = Abs(Cells(34, Cl) - Cells(35, Cl + 1))
        Cells(50, Cl) = Abs(Cells(51, Cl) - Cells(35, Cl + 1))
        Cells(66, Cl) = Abs(Cells(67, Cl) - Cells(35, Cl + 1))
        Cells(82, Cl) = Abs(Cells(83, Cl) - Cells(35, Cl + 1))
    Range("B8").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B2:XX2,B7)" 'QTY MODE
    Range("B9").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B2:XX2,B2)"   'QTY LAST
    Range("B11").Formula = "=average(B1:XX1)" ' average distribution B1
    ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: C 18:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Range("B24").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B18:XX18,B17)" 'QTY MODE
    Range("B25").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B18:XX18,B18)"   'QTY LAST
    Range("B27").Formula = "=average(B17:XX17)" ' average distribution B17
    Range("B40").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B34:XX34,B33)" 'QTY MODE
    Range("B41").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B34:XX34,B34)"   'QTY LAST
    Range("B43").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B33:XX34,B33)"   'average distribution B33
    Range("B56").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B50:XX50,B49)" 'QTY MODE
    Range("B57").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B50:XX50,B50)"   'QTY LAST
    Range("B72").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B66:XX66,B65)" 'QTY MODE
    Range("B73").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B66:XX66,B66)"   'QTY LAST
    Range("B88").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B82:XX82,B81)" 'QTY MODE
    Range("B89").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B82:XX82,B82)"   'QTY LAST

    Dim ColorRng As Range
    Dim ColorCell As Range

    Set ColorRng = Range("B5,B21,B37,B53,B69,B85")
    For Each ColorCell In ColorRng
        If ColorCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(ColorRng) Then
            ColorCell.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 153, 0)
        End If
    Next ColorCell
    Range("B15").Formula = "=IF(B2>=B7,""NO"",""YES"")"
    SrcWS.Range("Y4").Value = Range("B45").Value 'B
    Range("B31").Formula = "=IF(B48>=B23,""NO"",""YES"")"
    SrcWS.Range("Z4").Value = Range("B34").Value 'C
    Range("B47").Formula = "=IF(B34>=B39,""NO"",""YES"")"
    SrcWS.Range("AA4").Value = Range("B47").Value 'D
    Range("B63").Formula = "=IF(B4>=B55,""NO"",""YES"")"
    SrcWS.Range("AB4").Value = Range("B63").Value 'E
    Range("B79").Formula = "=IF(B66>=B74,""NO"",""YES"")"
    SrcWS.Range("AC4").Value = Range("B79").Value 'AC=F/4
    Range("B95").Formula = "=IF(B82>=B87,""NO"",""YES"")"
    SrcWS.Range("AD4").Value = Range("B95").Value 'AD=G/4
    '::::::::::::::::::::::decision table 2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Range("B44").Formula = "=if(B9=4,""yes"",""no"")"
    SrcWS.Range("J4").Value = Range("B44").Value ' this line on sheet (3) increase by one, in the next sheet would be J3 and the same with the other columns.
    Range("B30").Formula = "=if(B25=4,""yes"",""no"")"   'this ranges are fix.
    SrcWS.Range("K4").Value = Range("B30").Value
    Range("B46").Formula = "=if(B44=4,""yes"",""no"")"
    SrcWS.Range("L4").Value = Range("B46").Value
    Range("B62").Formula = "=if(B57=4,""yes"",""no"")"
    SrcWS.Range("M4").Value = Range("B62").Value
    Range("B78").Formula = "=if(B73=4,""yes"",""no"")"
    SrcWS.Range("N4").Value = Range("B78").Value
    Range("B94").Formula = "=if(B89=4,""yes"",""no"")"
    SrcWS.Range("O4").Value = Range("B94").Value

End Sub
Upvote 0
Mr. Alex and the rest of the dirty code like:
VBA Code:
Range("B8").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B2:XX2,B7)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B9").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B2:XX2,B2)" 'QTY LAST
Range("B24").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B18:XX18,B17)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B25").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B18:XX18,B18)" 'QTY LAST
Range("B40").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B34:XX34,B33)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B41").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B34:XX34,B34)" 'QTY LAST
Range("B56").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B50:XX50,B49)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B57").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B50:XX50,B50)" 'QTY LAST
Range("B72").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B66:XX66,B65)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B73").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B66:XX66,B66)" 'QTY LAST
Range("B88").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B82:XX82,B81)" 'QTY MODE
Range("B89").Formula = "=COUNTIF(B82:XX82,B82)" 'QTY LAST

I used the for next like:
VBA Code:
Dim k&, nn&, ii&
k = 2
nn = 7
For ii = 8 To 88 Step 16
Cells(ii, 2).Formula = "=COUNTIF(" & Cells(k, 2).Address & " : " & Cells(k, 700).Address & "," & Cells(nn, 2).Address & ")"
k = k + 16
nn = nn + 16
so now everything is fine, good lessons I got here, and thank you Alex for all your Advice
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Happy to help. Thanks for the feedback and glad you are making progress on your project.
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