Need some help with vba to handle vlookup from one sheet to another in same workbook.
Standard formula in cell U2 to bottom of dart =VLOOKUP($E2,'Ampacet Pricing File'!$C:$F,4,FALSE)
I need to lookup E2,E3,E4, etc. to bottom of data on sheet 'Upload' to sheet 'Ampacet Pricing File' columns C:F, and then bring back the value to sheet 'Upload' column U.
Standard formula in cell U2 to bottom of dart =VLOOKUP($E2,'Ampacet Pricing File'!$C:$F,4,FALSE)
I need to lookup E2,E3,E4, etc. to bottom of data on sheet 'Upload' to sheet 'Ampacet Pricing File' columns C:F, and then bring back the value to sheet 'Upload' column U.