Option Explicit
Sub find_Columns(control As IRibbonControl)
Dim finalrow, finalcol, afinalrow, afinalcol As Long
Dim fldialog As FileDialog
Dim colHeaders() As Variant
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim count, i, x As Long
Dim currwb, sourcewb As Workbook
Dim currwbstr, sourcewbstr As String
Dim currws, sourcews As Worksheet
Dim electionsTitle, electionsFooter As String
Dim tdate As Boolean
colHeaders = Array("MEP Landman", "Proposal Date", "Election Due Date", "Project Type", "Proposed Operator", _
"Property No", "Well Name", "CHK Division", "District", "Legal Description", "County", "State", "GEO Objective", _
"MEP Entity", "MEP Prod WI", "MEP Prod WI", "MEP Prod NRI", "Total AFE", "MEP Total", "Approved/Election Date", _
"Election", "Land Comments", "Other WI % Owners", "Regulatory Hearing Date", "JOA", "Prepay Required", "RsvCat", "Gross EUR MMCF", "Gross EUR MBO")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set fldialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
fldialog.AllowMultiSelect = False
If fldialog.SelectedItems.count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set currwb = ActiveWorkbook
currwbstr = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set currws = currwb.Worksheets("Proposals")
With currws.Columns
End With
sourcewbstr = fldialog.SelectedItems.Item(1)
If InStr(1, LCase(sourcewbstr), "made", vbTextCompare) Then
electionsTitle = "Elections Made"
electionsFooter = "Elections_Made " & Date
electionsTitle = "Elections Pending"
electionsFooter = "Elections_Pending " & Date
End If
Workbooks.Open Filename:=sourcewbstr
Set sourcewb = ActiveWorkbook
sourcewbstr = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set sourcews = sourcewb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
finalcol = sourcews.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
finalrow = sourcews.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Range("A1:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & finalrow).Copy
currws.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=True, Transpose:=False
sourcewb.Close False
finalcol = currws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
For count = 1 To finalcol
Select Case Trim(Cells(1, count).Text)
Case "Proposal Date", "Election Due Date", "Created Date", "Approved/Election Date", "Regulatory Hearing Date", "Proposal Received Date"
Columns(MyColumnLetter(count * 1)).NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
Case "Property No"
Columns(MyColumnLetter(count * 1)).NumberFormat = "General"
Case "MEP Drill WI", "MEP Comp WI", "MEP Prod WI", "MEP Prod WI", "MEP Prod NRI"
Columns(MyColumnLetter(count * 1)).NumberFormat = "0.00000000"
Case "MEP Net Acres Cal"
Cells(1, count) = "MEP Net Acres"
Columns(MyColumnLetter(count * 1)).NumberFormat = "0.00000"
Case "Total AFE", "MEP Total"
Columns(MyColumnLetter(count * 1)).NumberFormat = "$#,##0"
Case Else
End Select
Columns("AN:AN").Insert shift:=xlToRight
Columns("AY:AY").Insert shift:=xlToRight
finalrow = currws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
For count = 2 To finalrow
Range("AU" & count).Value = Format(Range("AU" & count).Value, "Short Date")
If electionsTitle = "Elections Pending" Then
'created date
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"AU2:AU" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
'election due date
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"D2:D" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
'legal description
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"S2:S" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"U2:U" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"T2:T" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort
.SetRange Range("A1:BB" & finalrow)
.Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"AN2:AN" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"S2:S" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"U2:U" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"T2:T" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort
.SetRange Range("A1:BB" & finalrow)
.Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End If
Rows(1).Insert shift:=xlDown, copyorigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
finalcol = currws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
With currws.Range("A1:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = 12835293
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With currws.Range("A1:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2")
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
.Font.Bold = True
End With
With currws.Range("A1")
.Value = electionsTitle
.WrapText = False
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
End With
finalcol = currws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
For i = 0 To UBound(colHeaders)
If Not dict.Exists(colHeaders(i)) Then
dict.Add colHeaders(i), colHeaders(i)
End If
Next i
For count = finalcol To 1 Step -1
If Not dict.Exists(Trim(Cells(2, count))) Then Columns(count).Hidden = True
finalcol = currws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
currws.Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").AutoFilter
Columns.WrapText = True
Range("A1").WrapText = False
Rows("2:2").RowHeight = 38.25
finalcol = currws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
For count = 1 To finalcol
Select Case Trim(Cells(2, count).Text)
Case "MEP Landman"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 8.71
Case "Proposal Date"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 9.14
Case "Election Due Date"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 9.14
Case "Project Type"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 7.43
Case "Regulatory Hearing Date"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 15.29
Case "Proposed Operator"
Cells(2, count) = "Operator"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 15.29
Case "Property No"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 7.86
Case "Well Name"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 19.29
Case "CHK Division"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 14.71
Case "District"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 13.14
Case "Legal Description"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 18.71
Case "Prepay Required"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 11.43
Case "County"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 8.43
Case "State"
Cells(2, count) = "St"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 3.43
Case "GEO Objective"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 12.29
Case "MEP Entity"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 8
Case "MEP Prod WI"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 10.43
Case "MEP Prod NRI"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 10.57
Case "Total AFE"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 12.14
Case "MEP Total"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 10.71
' Case "MEP Net Acres"
' Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 7.71
Case "Approved/Election Date"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 9
Case "Election"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 9.71
Case "JOA"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 27.57
Case "Other WI % Owners"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 27.57
Case "RsvCat", "Gross EUR MMCF", "Gross EUR MBO"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 8.14
Case "Land Comments"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 50.29
Case Else
End Select
finalrow = currws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
With Rows("3:" & finalrow)
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With
Rows("3:" & finalrow).EntireRow.AutoFit
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.CenterHeader = "MEP Proposals"
.RightHeader = electionsFooter
.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$2"
End With
Dim notToday As Long
For count = 3 To finalrow
If Range("AU" & count).Value <> Date Then
notToday = count
Exit For
End If
If electionsTitle = "Elections Pending" Then
Range("A" & notToday & ":BB" & finalrow).Select
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"D" & notToday & ":D" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"S" & notToday & ":S" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"U" & notToday & ":U" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"T" & notToday & ":T" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort
.SetRange Range("A" & notToday & ":BB" & finalrow)
.Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
tdate = False
For count = 1 To finalrow
If Range("AU" & count).Value = Date Then tdate = True
If tdate = True And Range("AU" & count).Value <> Date Then
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=Cells(count, 1)
tdate = False
End If
End If
Dim reghear As String
For x = 1 To finalcol
Select Case Trim(Cells(2, x).Text)
Case "Regulatory Hearing Date"
reghear = MyColumnLetter(x * 1)
Exit For
End Select
Columns("AL:AL").Insert shift:=xlToRight
Columns("E:E").Insert shift:=xlToRight
Columns("E:E").Insert shift:=xlToRight
Columns("G:G").Insert shift:=xlToRight
For x = 1 To finalcol
Select Case Trim(Cells(2, x).Text)
Case "Regulatory Hearing Date"
reghear = MyColumnLetter(x * 1)
Columns(reghear).Hidden = True
Exit For
End Select
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
Set fldialog = Nothing
Set dict = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Public Sub CreateTab(tname As String)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim trg As Worksheet
checkforTab (tname)
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set trg = wb.Worksheets.Add(After:=wb.Worksheets(wb.Worksheets.count))
trg.Name = tname
Set ws = wb.Worksheets(wb.Worksheets.count)
Set wb = Nothing
Set trg = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub checkforTab(tname As String)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
If LCase(ws.Name) = LCase(tname) Then
End If
Next ws
End Sub
Function MyColumnLetter(MyColumn As Long)
If MyColumn > 26 Then
MyColumnLetter = Chr(Int((MyColumn - 1) / 26) + 64) & Chr(((MyColumn - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
MyColumnLetter = Chr(MyColumn + 64)
End If
End Function
Public Sub formatBorders()
Dim finalcol As Long
finalcol = Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
With Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
With Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
With Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
With Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Borders(xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
With Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Borders(xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
With Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = 0
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThin
End With
End Sub
Public Sub highlightFields()
Dim finalrow, finalcol, x As Long
Dim cd, election, elec_dd, proj_type As String
finalcol = Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
finalrow = Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
For x = 1 To finalcol
Select Case Trim(Cells(2, x).Text)
Case "Election Due Date"
elec_dd = MyColumnLetter(x * 1)
Case "Created Date"
cd = MyColumnLetter(x * 1)
Case "Election"
election = MyColumnLetter(x * 1)
Case "Project Type"
proj_type = MyColumnLetter(x * 1)
End Select
For x = 3 To finalrow
If DateDiff("d", Date, Range(elec_dd & x).Value) <= 7 Then
With Range(elec_dd & x).Font
.Bold = True
.Color = -16776961
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
End If
If CStr(Range(cd & x).Value) = CStr(Date) Then
If Trim(Range(election & x).Value) <> "" Then
With Range(election & x).Font
.Bold = True
.Color = -16776961
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
End If
With Range("A" & x & ":" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & x).Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent3
.TintAndShade = 0.799981688894314
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
End If
If Range(proj_type & x) = "Initial Well" Then
With Range(elec_dd & x).Font
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
End If
End Sub
Public Sub moveRegulatory()
Dim finalrow, finalcol, x, permrow, pasterow, i, count As Long
Dim pt As String
Dim foundReg As Boolean
foundReg = False
Dim newtab As String
Dim c As Range
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim aws, cws As Worksheet
Dim colHeaders() As Variant
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
colHeaders = Array("MEP Landman", "Proposal Date", "Election Due Date", "Project Type", "Operator", _
"Property No", "Well Name", "CHK Division", "District", "Legal Description", "County", "St", "GEO Objective", _
"MEP Entity", "MEP Prod WI", "MEP Prod WI", "MEP Prod NRI", "Total AFE", "MEP Total", "Approved/Election Date", _
"Election", "Land Comments", "Other WI % Owners", "Regulatory Hearing Date", "JOA", "MEP Net Acres", "Prepay Required", "RsvCat", "Gross EUR MMCF", "Gross EUR MBO")
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set cws = Worksheets("Proposals")
Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
finalcol = Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
finalrow = Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
permrow = finalrow + 2
pasterow = finalrow + 2
For x = 1 To finalcol
Select Case Trim(Cells(2, x).Text)
Case "Project Type"
pt = MyColumnLetter(x * 1)
Exit For
End Select
For x = finalrow To 3 Step -1
If LCase(Left(Range(pt & x), 10)) = "regulatory" Then
foundReg = True
permrow = permrow - 1
pasterow = Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1
End If
If foundReg = False Then Exit Sub
finalrow = Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Range("A" & permrow & ":BB" & finalrow).Select
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"AH" & permrow & ":AH" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"S" & permrow & ":S" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"U" & permrow & ":U" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
"T" & permrow & ":T" & finalrow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Proposals").Sort
.SetRange Range("A" & permrow & ":BB" & finalrow)
.Header = xlGuess
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
cws.Range("A" & permrow & ":BB" & finalrow).Copy
wb.Worksheets.Add After:=wb.Worksheets(wb.Worksheets.count)
newtab = "Regulatory"
Sheets(wb.Worksheets.count).Name = newtab
Set aws = Worksheets(newtab)
aws.Range("A2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=True, Transpose:=False
cws.Rows(permrow & ":" & finalrow).Delete
aws.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=True, Transpose:=False
aws.Rows(1).Insert shift:=xlDown, copyorigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
finalcol = aws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
With aws.Range("A1:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = 12835293
.TintAndShade = 0
.PatternTintAndShade = 0
End With
With aws.Range("A1:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2")
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
.Font.Bold = True
End With
With aws.Range("A1")
.Value = "Regulatory"
.WrapText = False
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
End With
finalcol = aws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
aws.Range("A2:" & MyColumnLetter(finalcol * 1) & "2").AutoFilter
aws.Columns.WrapText = True
aws.Range("A1").WrapText = False
aws.Rows("2:2").RowHeight = 38.25
finalrow = aws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row
With Rows("3:" & finalrow)
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With
For i = 0 To UBound(colHeaders)
If Not dict.Exists(colHeaders(i)) Then
dict.Add colHeaders(i), colHeaders(i)
End If
Next i
For count = finalcol To 1 Step -1
If Not dict.Exists(Trim(Cells(2, count))) Then Columns(count).Hidden = True
finalcol = aws.Cells.Find("*", searchorder:=xlByColumns, searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Column
For count = 1 To finalcol
Select Case Trim(Cells(2, count).Text)
Case "MEP Landman"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 8.71
Case "Proposal Date"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 9.14
Case "Election Due Date"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 9.14
Case "Project Type"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 7.43
Case "Regulatory Hearing Date"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 15.29
Case "Operator"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 15.29
Case "Property No"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 7.86
Case "Well Name"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 19.29
Case "CHK Division"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 14.71
Case "District"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 13.14
Case "Legal Description"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 18.71
Case "Prepay Required"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 11.43
Case "County"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 8.43
Case "St"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 3.43
Case "GEO Objective"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 12.29
Case "MEP Entity"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 8
Case "MEP Prod WI"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 10.43
Case "MEP Prod NRI"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 10.57
Case "Total AFE"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 12.14
Case "MEP Total"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 10.71
Case "MEP Net Acres"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 7.71
Case "Approved/Election Date"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 9
Case "Election"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 9.71
Case "JOA"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 27.57
Case "Other WI % Owners"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 27.57
Case "RsvCat", "Gross EUR MMCF", "Gross EUR MBO"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 8.14
Case "Land Comments"
Columns(count).ColumnWidth = 50.29
Case Else
End Select
Dim reghear As String
For x = 1 To finalcol
Select Case Trim(Cells(2, x).Text)
Case "Regulatory Hearing Date"
reghear = MyColumnLetter(x * 1)
Exit For
End Select
Columns("AN:AN").Insert shift:=xlToRight
Columns("E:E").Insert shift:=xlToRight
Columns("F:F").Insert shift:=xlToRight
Columns("G:G").Insert shift:=xlToRight
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
Sub format_Regulatory()
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = "$1:$2"
.LeftHeader = ""
.CenterHeader = "MEP Proposals - Regulatory"
.RightHeader = "Elections_Pending " & Date
.LeftFooter = ""
.CenterFooter = ""
.RightFooter = "&P of &N"
.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.3)
.FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.3)
.PrintHeadings = False
.PrintGridlines = True
.PrintComments = xlPrintNoComments
.PrintQuality = 600
.CenterHorizontally = False
.CenterVertically = False
.Orientation = xlLandscape
.Draft = False
.PaperSize = xlPaperLegal
.FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic
.Order = xlDownThenOver
.BlackAndWhite = False
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.FitToPagesTall = False
.PrintErrors = xlPrintErrorsDisplayed
.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = False
.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = False
.ScaleWithDocHeaderFooter = True
.AlignMarginsHeaderFooter = True
.EvenPage.LeftHeader.Text = ""
.EvenPage.CenterHeader.Text = ""
.EvenPage.RightHeader.Text = ""
.EvenPage.LeftFooter.Text = ""
.EvenPage.CenterFooter.Text = ""
.EvenPage.RightFooter.Text = ""
.FirstPage.LeftHeader.Text = ""
.FirstPage.CenterHeader.Text = ""
.FirstPage.RightHeader.Text = ""
.FirstPage.LeftFooter.Text = ""
.FirstPage.CenterFooter.Text = ""
.FirstPage.RightFooter.Text = ""
End With
End Sub