Looking to write a macro that will generate a 12 week schedule that pairs and area with a person when the same elements are selected.
Would like it to handle up to 200 people and 200 areas - it will vary though, sometimes there will be 50 areas and 20 people or any combination.
Currently I have it set up to turn areas on with "1" and off with "0"
Every area should have one visit scheduled per week, cycling through consistently so if element 1 is the only element turned on they will have 12 visits, if element 1, 2, & 3 are on the visits will repeat in that order. I was going to build it to generate the areas schedule first then pair it with a person who can work on that element.
Each person might be on a weekly visit rotation or monthly (Will be validated text to select this). No person should have to visit an area twice in one week unless there is a constraint for people.
On a separate sheet in the same workbook this is what I was thinking for the output
Looking for advice on where to start or what the code should be. I am a beginner coder and not sure how to handle so many dependencies, thanks in advance for any help!
Would like it to handle up to 200 people and 200 areas - it will vary though, sometimes there will be 50 areas and 20 people or any combination.
Currently I have it set up to turn areas on with "1" and off with "0"
Every area should have one visit scheduled per week, cycling through consistently so if element 1 is the only element turned on they will have 12 visits, if element 1, 2, & 3 are on the visits will repeat in that order. I was going to build it to generate the areas schedule first then pair it with a person who can work on that element.
Each person might be on a weekly visit rotation or monthly (Will be validated text to select this). No person should have to visit an area twice in one week unless there is a constraint for people.
On a separate sheet in the same workbook this is what I was thinking for the output
Looking for advice on where to start or what the code should be. I am a beginner coder and not sure how to handle so many dependencies, thanks in advance for any help!