Hey guys,
I have this formula to sum multiple tabs and I'm having issues with the moving range part.
The current range I have is R3C9:R4C9. I need this range to add +1 each time its run. For example this range comes out to $I$3:$I$4. I need it to state the following after I run the macro...
1st time: $I$3:$I$4
2nd time: $I$3:$I$5
3rd time: $I$3:$I$6
you get the picture....
This is what I currently have.
I have this formula to sum multiple tabs and I'm having issues with the moving range part.
The current range I have is R3C9:R4C9. I need this range to add +1 each time its run. For example this range comes out to $I$3:$I$4. I need it to state the following after I run the macro...
1st time: $I$3:$I$4
2nd time: $I$3:$I$5
3rd time: $I$3:$I$6
you get the picture....
This is what I currently have.
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(INDIRECT(""'"" & R3C9:R4C9 & ""'!"" & ""M2:M20""),RC[-1],INDIRECT(""'"" & R3C9:R4C9 & ""'!""& ""N2:N29"")))"