Hello -
I am currently trying to run a macro and I need a formula autofilled to the end of my data set and the data set will be a different length each time. I'm trying to enter a formula in cell P2 and I want it to copy down all the way until the data ends.
Here's what I've tried:
This works, however for some reason the formula copies all the way down yet it leaves the last cell blank. I can't figure out why it's working, but leaving that last cell empty. Is there something I'm missing to make it fill all the way down?
I'm new to VBA so I appreciate any help.
Jason Z
I am currently trying to run a macro and I need a formula autofilled to the end of my data set and the data set will be a different length each time. I'm trying to enter a formula in cell P2 and I want it to copy down all the way until the data ends.
Here's what I've tried:
Dim LR As Long
LR = Range("P2").End(xlDown).Row
Range("P2:P" & LR).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(AND(RC[-4]>-1,RC[-4]<0.1),""Lowest CTR"",IF(AND(RC[-4]>0.1,RC[-4]<0.2),""Extremely Low"",IF(AND(RC[-4]>0.2,RC[-4]<0.3),""Very Low"",IF(AND(RC[-4]>0.3,RC[-4]<0.4),""Low"",IF(AND(RC[-4]>0.4,RC[-4]<0.6),""Below Average"",IF(RC[-4]=0.1,""Lowest"",IF(RC[-4]=0.2,""Extremely Low"",IF(RC[-4]=0.3,""Very Low"",IF(RC[-4]=0.4,""Low"",IF(OR(RC[-4]=0.5,RC[-4]=0.6),""Below Average"",""Error""))))))))))"
This works, however for some reason the formula copies all the way down yet it leaves the last cell blank. I can't figure out why it's working, but leaving that last cell empty. Is there something I'm missing to make it fill all the way down?
I'm new to VBA so I appreciate any help.
Jason Z