Hello Friends,
I put to vba this:
Sub BehProgramu()
test = IsNumeric(786)
test = IsNumeric("Tech on the Net")
test = IsNumeric("234")
test = IsNumeric(18D00132)
End Sub
And when I click enter the last row is transfored to expon. format, why is excel doing this ?
Sub BehProgramu()
test = IsNumeric(786)
test = IsNumeric("Tech on the Net")
test = IsNumeric("234")
test = IsNumeric(1.8E+133)
End Sub
I put to vba this:
Sub BehProgramu()
test = IsNumeric(786)
test = IsNumeric("Tech on the Net")
test = IsNumeric("234")
test = IsNumeric(18D00132)
End Sub
And when I click enter the last row is transfored to expon. format, why is excel doing this ?
Sub BehProgramu()
test = IsNumeric(786)
test = IsNumeric("Tech on the Net")
test = IsNumeric("234")
test = IsNumeric(1.8E+133)
End Sub