I have a macro code to split the data into multiple workbook . this code we can use in any excel files to split the data .. when we run the macro it will ask the column number and row number and save the final split wise file in split folder . unfortunately there is an issue with the macro in save part ..something wrong with save path.
also in this macro , its splitting only one line item rather than splitting whole data.
Can you please correct the macro and there are few additional requirements also which we need to amend in the macro as below:
1) My excel file contains 2 tabs , summary tab and data tab . i would like to split the data along with the summary tab...so after splitting the file , i need both summary and data tabs in all split wise files.
2)curser should be on top (eg cell A1) in both tabs
3) file should be saved as " filename -split name " eg: i ant to split file "sales report" based on the sales persons..then file name should save as " sales report-person name".
below is the macro..can some one help me to amend the macro based on my requirements. let me know if you have any queries.
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VBA for splitting data
VBA for splitting data - OzGrid Free Excel/VBA Help Forum
Vba for splitting data into multiple workbook
also in this macro , its splitting only one line item rather than splitting whole data.
Can you please correct the macro and there are few additional requirements also which we need to amend in the macro as below:
1) My excel file contains 2 tabs , summary tab and data tab . i would like to split the data along with the summary tab...so after splitting the file , i need both summary and data tabs in all split wise files.
2)curser should be on top (eg cell A1) in both tabs
3) file should be saved as " filename -split name " eg: i ant to split file "sales report" based on the sales persons..then file name should save as " sales report-person name".
below is the macro..can some one help me to amend the macro based on my requirements. let me know if you have any queries.
VBA Code:
Public Sub SplitToFiles()
Dim osh As Worksheet
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iCol As Long
Dim iFirstRow As Long
Dim iTotalRows As Long
Dim iStartRow As Long
Dim iStopRow As Long
Dim sSectionName As String
Dim rCell As Range
Dim owb As Workbook
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim iCount As Integer
iCol = Application.InputBox("Enter the column number used for splitting", "Select column", 2, , , , , 1)
iRow = Application.InputBox("Enter the starting row number (to skip header)", "Select row", 5, , , , , 1)
iFirstRow = iRow
Set osh = Application.ActiveSheet
Set owb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
iTotalRows = osh.UsedRange.Rows.Count
sFilePath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
If Dir(sFilePath + "\Split", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir sFilePath + "\Split"
End If
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rCell = osh.Cells(iRow, iCol)
sCell = Replace(rCell.Text, " ", "")
If sCell = "" Or (rCell.Text = sSectionName And iStartRow <> 0) Or InStr(1, rCell.Text, "total", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
If iStartRow = 0 Then
sSectionName = rCell.Text
iStartRow = iRow
iStopRow = iRow - 1
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1
iStartRow = 0
iStopRow = 0
iRow = iRow - 1
End If
End If
If iRow < iTotalRows Then
iRow = iRow + 1
iStopRow = iRow
CopySheet osh, iFirstRow, iStartRow, iStopRow, iTotalRows, sFilePath, sSectionName, owb.fileFormat
iCount = iCount + 1
Exit Do
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
MsgBox Str(iCount) + " documents saved in " + sFilePath
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteRows(targetSheet As Worksheet, RowFrom As Long, RowTo As Long)
Dim rngRange As Range
Set rngRange = Range(targetSheet.Cells(RowFrom, 1), targetSheet.Cells(RowTo, 1)).EntireRow
End Sub
Public Sub CopySheet(osh As Worksheet, iFirstRow As Long, iStartRow As Long, iStopRow As Long, iTotalRows As Long, sFilePath As String, sSectionName As String, fileFormat As XlFileFormat)
Dim ash As Worksheet
Dim awb As Workbook
Set ash = Application.ActiveSheet
If iTotalRows > iStopRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iStopRow + 1, iTotalRows
End If
If iStartRow > iFirstRow Then
DeleteRows ash, iFirstRow, iStartRow - 1
End If
ash.Cells(1, 1).Select
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "/", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "\", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ":", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "=", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "*", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, ".", " ")
sSectionName = Replace(sSectionName, "?", " ")
ash.SaveAs sFilePath + "\Split\" + sSectionName, fileFormat
Set awb = ash.Parent
awb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
Also posted
VBA for splitting data
VBA for splitting data - OzGrid Free Excel/VBA Help Forum
Vba for splitting data into multiple workbook
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