I have been using a VBA code for copying .pdf files from a folders (please see code below). I want it to skip folders with "working" or "~superseded" on the folder names. I've read about the InStr function but I can't figure out where to place it in this code.
Thank you so much for your help in advance!
VBA Code:
Public Sub CopyFiles_r2()
Dim sPathSource As String, sPathDest As String, sFileSpec As String
sPathSource = InputBox("Enter path")
sPathDest = "Z:\DestinationFolderTree\SubFolder\EndpointFolder\"
sFileSpec = "*.pdf"
'sFileSpec = "*example*2020.xl*"
'sFileSpec = "*.pdf"
Call CopyFiles_FromFolderAndSubFolders(sFileSpec, sPathSource, sPathDest)
End Sub
Public Sub CopyFiles_FromFolderAndSubFolders(ByVal argFileSpec As String, ByVal argSourcePath As String, ByRef argDestinationPath As String)
Dim sPathSource As String, sPathDest As String, sFileSpec As String
Dim FSO As Object
Dim oRoot As Object
Dim oFile As Object
Dim oFolder As Object
sPathSource = argSourcePath
sPathDest = argDestinationPath
If Not Right(sPathDest, 1) = "\" Then sPathDest = sPathDest & "\"
If Right(sPathSource, 1) = "\" Then sPathSource = Left(sPathSource, Len(sPathSource) - 1)
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FolderExists(sPathSource) And FSO.FolderExists(sPathDest) Then
Set oRoot = FSO.GetFolder(sPathSource)
For Each oFile In oRoot.Files
If LCase(oFile.Name) Like argFileSpec Then
On Error Resume Next
oFile.Copy sPathDest & oFile.Name
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next oFile
For Each oFolder In oRoot.SubFolders
' == do the same for any folder ==
Call CopyFiles_FromFolderAndSubFolders(argFileSpec, oFolder.Path, sPathDest)
Next oFolder
End If
End Sub
I have been using a VBA code for copying .pdf files from a folders (please see code below). I want it to skip folders with "working" or "~superseded" on the folder names. I've read about the InStr function but I can't figure out where to place it in this code.
Thank you so much for your help in advance!
VBA Code:
Public Sub CopyFiles_r2()
Dim sPathSource As String, sPathDest As String, sFileSpec As String
sPathSource = InputBox("Enter path")
sPathDest = "Z:\DestinationFolderTree\SubFolder\EndpointFolder\"
sFileSpec = "*.pdf"
'sFileSpec = "*example*2020.xl*"
'sFileSpec = "*.pdf"
Call CopyFiles_FromFolderAndSubFolders(sFileSpec, sPathSource, sPathDest)
End Sub
Public Sub CopyFiles_FromFolderAndSubFolders(ByVal argFileSpec As String, ByVal argSourcePath As String, ByRef argDestinationPath As String)
Dim sPathSource As String, sPathDest As String, sFileSpec As String
Dim FSO As Object
Dim oRoot As Object
Dim oFile As Object
Dim oFolder As Object
sPathSource = argSourcePath
sPathDest = argDestinationPath
If Not Right(sPathDest, 1) = "\" Then sPathDest = sPathDest & "\"
If Right(sPathSource, 1) = "\" Then sPathSource = Left(sPathSource, Len(sPathSource) - 1)
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If FSO.FolderExists(sPathSource) And FSO.FolderExists(sPathDest) Then
Set oRoot = FSO.GetFolder(sPathSource)
For Each oFile In oRoot.Files
If LCase(oFile.Name) Like argFileSpec Then
On Error Resume Next
oFile.Copy sPathDest & oFile.Name
On Error GoTo 0
End If
Next oFile
For Each oFolder In oRoot.SubFolders
' == do the same for any folder ==
Call CopyFiles_FromFolderAndSubFolders(argFileSpec, oFolder.Path, sPathDest)
Next oFolder
End If
End Sub