Option Explicit
Public Sub Import_Appointments_Grouped()
Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application
Dim outNS As Outlook.Namespace
Dim outCalendarItems As Outlook.Items
Dim outAppointment As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim OutlookStarted As Boolean
Dim dateRangeFilter As String
Dim destCell As Range
Dim firstDOW As VbDayOfWeek
Dim startDate As Date, endDate As Date
startDate = DateValue("22/10/2023")
endDate = DateValue("31/12/2031")
Set destCell = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A2")
OutlookStarted = GetOutlookApp(OutApp)
If OutApp Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot start Outlook.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
firstDOW = Get_FirstDayOfWeek(OutApp)
Set outNS = OutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set outCalendarItems = outNS.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderCalendar).Items
dateRangeFilter = "[Start] >= '" & startDate & " 00:00' AND [End] <= '" & endDate & " 23:59'"
With outCalendarItems
.Sort "[Start]", Descending:=False
.IncludeRecurrences = False
Set outCalendarItems = .Restrict(dateRangeFilter)
End With
For Each outAppointment In outCalendarItems
Debug.Print outAppointment.Start, outAppointment.Subject
GetAppointments destCell, outAppointment, firstDOW, startDate, endDate
With destCell.Worksheet
.Columns("C:D").NumberFormat = "Ddd dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm"
.Columns("E").NumberFormat = "hh:mm"
.Columns("L").NumberFormat = "Ddd dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm"
End With
If OutlookStarted Then OutApp.Quit
End Sub
Private Sub GetAppointments(destCell As Range, outFirstAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem, firstDOW As VbDayOfWeek, startDate As Date, endDate As Date)
Dim outAppointment As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim outRP As Outlook.RecurrencePattern
Dim outException As Outlook.Exception
Dim apptSubject As String
Dim apptStart As Date, apptEnd As Date, apptDuration As Long
Dim apptExceptionStart As Date
Dim apptFirstStart As Date, apptFirstEnd As Date, apptFirstDuration As Long
Dim apptAllDayEvent As Boolean
Dim apptRecurrenceState As Outlook.OlRecurrenceState
Dim nextApptStart As Date
Dim weekStartDate As Date
Dim recurrenceDescription As String
Dim d As Date
Dim monthDay1Date As Date
Dim ExceptionNum As Long
Dim OccurrenceNum As Long
Dim r As Long, n As Long, i As Long
Dim calcNext As Boolean
Dim deletedException As Boolean
With destCell.Worksheet
If .Range("A1").Value = "" Then
.Range("A1:L1").Value = Array("Subject", "Occurrence", "Start", "End", "Duration", "All Day", "Recurrence State", "Recurrence Type", "Recurrence Pattern", "Exception", "Deleted", "Original Start")
End If
End With
r = destCell.Row
n = 0
Set outAppointment = outFirstAppt
Set outRP = outFirstAppt.GetRecurrencePattern
apptSubject = outFirstAppt.Subject
apptFirstStart = outFirstAppt.Start
apptFirstEnd = outFirstAppt.End
apptFirstDuration = outFirstAppt.Duration
apptStart = outFirstAppt.Start
apptEnd = outFirstAppt.End
apptAllDayEvent = outFirstAppt.AllDayEvent
If outFirstAppt.IsRecurring Then
recurrenceDescription = CvtRecurrencePattern(outRP, firstDOW)
recurrenceDescription = ""
End If
With outRP
OccurrenceNum = 0
ExceptionNum = 0
If outFirstAppt.IsRecurring Then
apptExceptionStart = 0
deletedException = False
Set outAppointment = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set outAppointment = outRP.GetOccurrence(apptStart)
On Error GoTo 0
If Not outAppointment Is Nothing Then
If outAppointment.RecurrenceState = olApptException Then
ExceptionNum = ExceptionNum + 1
Set outAppointment = .Exceptions.Item(ExceptionNum).AppointmentItem
End If
apptSubject = outAppointment.Subject
apptStart = outAppointment.Start
apptEnd = outAppointment.End
apptDuration = outAppointment.Duration
apptAllDayEvent = outAppointment.AllDayEvent
apptRecurrenceState = outAppointment.RecurrenceState
If ExceptionNum < .Exceptions.Count Then
ExceptionNum = ExceptionNum + 1
If Not .Exceptions(ExceptionNum).Deleted Then
Set outAppointment = .Exceptions.Item(ExceptionNum).AppointmentItem
apptSubject = outAppointment.Subject
apptExceptionStart = .Exceptions.Item(ExceptionNum).OriginalDate
apptStart = outAppointment.Start
apptEnd = outAppointment.End
apptDuration = outAppointment.Duration
apptAllDayEvent = outAppointment.AllDayEvent
apptRecurrenceState = outAppointment.RecurrenceState
apptStart = .Exceptions(ExceptionNum).OriginalDate + TimeValue(apptFirstStart)
apptEnd = .Exceptions(ExceptionNum).OriginalDate + TimeValue(apptFirstEnd)
apptExceptionStart = .Exceptions(ExceptionNum).OriginalDate + TimeValue(apptFirstStart)
deletedException = True
apptDuration = apptFirstDuration
apptAllDayEvent = False
apptRecurrenceState = Outlook.OlRecurrenceState.olApptException
End If
End If
End If
apptSubject = outAppointment.Subject
apptStart = outAppointment.Start
apptEnd = outAppointment.End
apptDuration = outAppointment.Duration
apptAllDayEvent = outAppointment.AllDayEvent
apptRecurrenceState = outAppointment.RecurrenceState
End If
OccurrenceNum = OccurrenceNum + 1
If Int(apptStart) >= startDate And Int(apptStart) <= endDate Then
Debug.Print r; "Occurrence " & OccurrenceNum & ": " & Format(apptStart, "Ddd dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm") & " to " & Format(apptEnd, "hh:mm")
With destCell.Worksheet
.Cells(r, "A").Value = apptSubject
If apptRecurrenceState = olApptNotRecurring Then
.Cells(r, "B").Value = OccurrenceNum & " of 1"
ElseIf outRP.NoEndDate Then
.Cells(r, "B").Value = OccurrenceNum & " of -"
.Cells(r, "B").Value = OccurrenceNum & " of " & outRP.Occurrences
End If
.Cells(r, "C").Value = apptStart
.Cells(r, "D").Value = apptEnd
.Cells(r, "E").Value = apptDuration / (24 * 60)
.Cells(r, "F").Value = apptAllDayEvent
.Cells(r, "G").Value = CvtRecurrenceState(apptRecurrenceState)
If apptRecurrenceState = Outlook.OlRecurrenceState.olApptNotRecurring Then
.Cells(r, "H").Value = ""
.Cells(r, "I").Value = ""
.Cells(r, "H").Value = CvtRecurrenceType(outRP.RecurrenceType)
.Cells(r, "I").Value = recurrenceDescription
End If
If apptRecurrenceState = Outlook.OlRecurrenceState.olApptException Then
.Cells(r, "J").Value = ExceptionNum & " of " & outRP.Exceptions.Count
.Cells(r, "K").Value = deletedException
.Cells(r, "L").Value = outRP.Exceptions(ExceptionNum).OriginalDate
End If
r = r + 1
n = n + 1
End With
End If
If apptExceptionStart <> 0 Then apptStart = apptExceptionStart
If apptRecurrenceState = Outlook.OlRecurrenceState.olApptNotRecurring Then
calcNext = False
ElseIf .NoEndDate Then
calcNext = Int(apptStart) <= endDate
calcNext = Int(apptStart) <= Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(.PatternEndDate, endDate)
End If
If calcNext Then
Select Case .RecurrenceType
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursDaily
apptStart = apptStart + .Interval
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursWeekly
If .Interval = 0 Then
apptStart = apptStart + IIf(Weekday(apptStart) = vbFriday, 3, 1)
weekStartDate = apptStart - Weekday(apptStart, firstDOW) + 1
If Weekday(apptStart) = vbSunday Then apptStart = weekStartDate + .Interval * 7 - 1
nextApptStart = 0
d = apptStart + 1
While d <= apptStart + 8 - Weekday(apptStart) And nextApptStart = 0
If (.DayOfWeekMask And 2 ^ (Weekday(d) - 1)) <> 0 Then nextApptStart = d
d = d + 1
If nextApptStart = 0 Then
weekStartDate = weekStartDate + 7 * .Interval
d = weekStartDate
While d <= weekStartDate + 6 And nextApptStart = 0
If (.DayOfWeekMask And 2 ^ (Weekday(d) - 1)) <> 0 Then nextApptStart = d
d = d + 1
End If
apptStart = nextApptStart
End If
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursMonthly
Select Case .DayOfMonth
Case 1 To 28
apptStart = DateSerial(Year(apptStart), Month(apptStart) + .Interval, .DayOfMonth) + TimeValue(apptStart)
Case 29 To 31
apptStart = DateSerial(Year(apptStart), Month(apptStart) + .Interval + 1, 0) + TimeValue(apptStart)
End Select
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursMonthNth
Select Case .Instance
Case 1 To 4
monthDay1Date = DateSerial(Year(apptStart), Month(apptStart) + .Interval, 1)
apptStart = monthDay1Date - Weekday(monthDay1Date + 7 - Weekday(apptStart)) + 7 * .Instance + TimeValue(apptStart)
Case 5
monthDay1Date = DateSerial(Year(apptStart), Month(apptStart) + .Interval + 1, 1)
apptStart = monthDay1Date - Weekday(monthDay1Date + 7 - Weekday(apptStart)) + TimeValue(apptStart)
End Select
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursYearly
If Month(apptStart) = 2 And .DayOfMonth = 29 Then
apptStart = DateSerial(Year(apptStart), Month(apptStart) + .Interval + 1, 0) + TimeValue(apptStart)
apptStart = DateSerial(Year(apptStart), Month(apptStart) + .Interval, .DayOfMonth) + TimeValue(apptStart)
End If
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursYearNth
Select Case .Instance
Case 1 To 4
monthDay1Date = DateSerial(Year(apptStart), Month(apptStart) + .Interval, 1)
apptStart = monthDay1Date - Weekday(monthDay1Date + 7 - Weekday(apptStart)) + 7 * .Instance + TimeValue(apptStart)
Case 5
monthDay1Date = DateSerial(Year(apptStart), Month(apptStart) + .Interval + 1, 1)
apptStart = monthDay1Date - Weekday(monthDay1Date + 7 - Weekday(apptStart)) + TimeValue(apptStart)
End Select
End Select
End If
If apptRecurrenceState = olApptNotRecurring Then
calcNext = False
ElseIf .NoEndDate Then
calcNext = Int(apptStart) <= endDate
calcNext = Int(apptStart) <= Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(.PatternEndDate, endDate)
End If
Loop While calcNext
End With
Set destCell = destCell.Offset(n)
End Sub
Private Function Get_FirstDayOfWeek(OutApp As Outlook.Application) As VbDayOfWeek
Dim WshShell As Object
Dim registryName As String, registryValue As String
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
registryName = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\" & Split(OutApp.Version, ".")(0) & ".0\Outlook\Options\Calendar\FirstDOW"
On Error Resume Next
registryValue = WshShell.RegRead(registryName)
On Error GoTo 0
If registryValue = "" Then
Get_FirstDayOfWeek = vbMonday
Get_FirstDayOfWeek = registryValue + 1
End If
End Function
Private Function GetOutlookApp(outlookApp As Outlook.Application) As Boolean
GetOutlookApp = False
On Error Resume Next
Set outlookApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set outlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
GetOutlookApp = True
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Private Function CvtRecurrenceState(rs As Outlook.OlRecurrenceState) As String
Select Case rs
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceState.olApptNotRecurring
CvtRecurrenceState = "Not recurring"
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceState.olApptMaster
CvtRecurrenceState = "Master"
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceState.olApptOccurrence
CvtRecurrenceState = "Occurrence"
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceState.olApptException
CvtRecurrenceState = "Exception"
End Select
End Function
Private Function CvtRecurrenceType(rt As Outlook.OlRecurrenceType) As String
Select Case rt
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursDaily
CvtRecurrenceType = "Daily"
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursMonthly
CvtRecurrenceType = "Monthly"
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursMonthNth
CvtRecurrenceType = "MonthNth"
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursWeekly
CvtRecurrenceType = "Weekly"
Case Is = Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursYearly
CvtRecurrenceType = "Yearly"
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursYearNth
CvtRecurrenceType = "YearNth"
End Select
End Function
Private Function CvtDayOfWeekMask(dowMask As Long) As String
Dim i As Long
CvtDayOfWeekMask = ""
For i = 1 To 7
If (dowMask And 2 ^ ((i - 1) Mod 7)) <> 0 Then
CvtDayOfWeekMask = CvtDayOfWeekMask & WeekdayName((i - 1) Mod 7 + 1, True, vbSunday) & ", "
End If
CvtDayOfWeekMask = Left(CvtDayOfWeekMask, Len(CvtDayOfWeekMask) - 2)
End Function
Private Function CvtRecurrencePattern(outRP As Outlook.RecurrencePattern, firstDOW As VbDayOfWeek) As String
Dim pat As String
Dim i As Long, n As Long
With outRP
Select Case .RecurrenceType
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursDaily
pat = "Every " & IIf(.Interval = 1, "day", .Interval & " days")
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursWeekly
If .Interval = 0 Then
pat = "Every weekday"
pat = "Every " & IIf(.Interval = 1, "week", .Interval & " weeks") & " on "
n = 0
For i = firstDOW To firstDOW + 6
If (.DayOfWeekMask And 2 ^ ((i - 1) Mod 7)) <> 0 Then
pat = pat & WeekdayName((i - 1) Mod 7 + 1, True, vbSunday) & ", "
n = n + 1
End If
If n = 1 Then
pat = Left(pat, Len(pat) - 2)
pat = Left(pat, Len(pat) - 7) & " and " & Mid(pat, Len(pat) - 4, 3)
End If
End If
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursMonthly
pat = "Day " & .DayOfMonth & " of every " & IIf(.Interval = 1, "month", .Interval & " months")
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursMonthNth
pat = Choose(.Instance, "First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Last") & " " & Format(.PatternStartDate, "Ddd") & " of every " & IIf(.Interval = 1, "month", .Interval & " months")
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursYearly
pat = "Every " & IIf(.Interval = 12, "year", .Interval / 12 & " years") & " on " & .DayOfMonth & " " & MonthName(.MonthOfYear, True)
Case Outlook.OlRecurrenceType.olRecursYearNth
pat = "Every " & IIf(.Interval = 12, "year", .Interval / 12 & " years") & " on " & Choose(.Instance, "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "Last") & " " & CvtDayOfWeekMask(.DayOfWeekMask) & " in " & MonthName(.MonthOfYear, True)
End Select
pat = pat & " starting " & Format(.PatternStartDate, "Ddd ") & .PatternStartDate
If Not .NoEndDate Then
pat = pat & " until " & Format(.PatternEndDate, "Ddd ") & .PatternEndDate
End If
pat = pat & " from " & Format(.StartTime, "hh:mm") & " to " & Format(.EndTime, "hh:mm")
End With
CvtRecurrencePattern = pat
End Function
Private Sub Dump_RecurrencePattern(outRP As Outlook.RecurrencePattern)
With outRP
Debug.Print "RecurrenceType = " & .RecurrenceType; " "; CvtRecurrenceType(.RecurrenceType)
Debug.Print "DayOfWeekMask = " & Application.WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(.DayOfWeekMask, 7);
Debug.Print " " & CvtDayOfWeekMask(.DayOfWeekMask)
Debug.Print "DayOfMonth = " & .DayOfMonth
Debug.Print "MonthOfYear = " & .MonthOfYear
Debug.Print "StartTime = " & .StartTime
Debug.Print "EndTime = " & .EndTime
Debug.Print "Duration = " & .Duration
Debug.Print "Exceptions = " & .Exceptions.Count
Debug.Print "Instance = " & .Instance
Debug.Print "Interval = " & .Interval
Debug.Print "NoEndDate = " & .NoEndDate
Debug.Print "Occurrences = " & .Occurrences
Debug.Print "PatternStartDate = " & Format(.PatternStartDate, "Ddd dd/mm/yyyy")
Debug.Print "PatternEndDate = " & Format(.PatternEndDate, "Ddd dd/mm/yyyy")
End With
End Sub