greetings to all.
I was hoping some one may be able to share some coding expertise on how I may be able to adapt a macro found on the forum.
Apologies if there is a complete solution already , I have not been able to adapt it to solve my problem.
I am using this vba macro to import text files. This works perfectly as it imports the whole text file with all the original spaces and lines into a single cell - which I need.
I am trying to work out how to import the file names on a separate column.
Original - Import Text Files
I am simply trying to import the file names as well at the same time , I have tried adapting the code
to import the file name but am not any closer to a solution.
Cells(nextrow, "A").Value = xFile.Name ' Add the filename into column A or column of choice
I am stuck here and not sure how to fix this.
I would be grateful if some one would kindly advise on how I can import the file names at the same time. I would prefer that this macro was adapted so I can simply import in one go, or I don't mind if there is a similar macro that imports the complete text file with its original formatting into a single cell and then the file-names in a separate column.
I have seen macros that can be used to import text file names - but those are separate and standalone. I am bit worried that I may import files and then import the wrong file names with a separate macro.
Thank you so much for your help in advance
greetings to all.
I was hoping some one may be able to share some coding expertise on how I may be able to adapt a macro found on the forum.
Apologies if there is a complete solution already , I have not been able to adapt it to solve my problem.
I am using this vba macro to import text files. This works perfectly as it imports the whole text file with all the original spaces and lines into a single cell - which I need.
I am trying to work out how to import the file names on a separate column.
Original - Import Text Files
Dim filename As String, nextrow As Long
Dim sPath As String
Dim iRow As Long
Dim strString As String
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim xFile As File
Dim xFolder As Folder
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xFolder = fso.GetFolder("C:\Users\Desktop\Import\")
iRow = 2 ' Row to start inserting data
For Each xFile In xFolder.Files
If InStr(1, xFile.Name, ".txt") <> 0 Then
Dim lFile As Long
Dim szLine As String
lFile = FreeFile()
Open xFile.Path For Input As lFile
strString = ""
While Not EOF(lFile)
Line Input #lFile, szLine
' Concatenete lines from text file
strString = strString & szLine & vbCrLf
' Add to cell
Cells(iRow, 1).Value = strString
iRow = iRow + 1
' Close the file
Close lFile
Cells(nextrow, "A").Value = xFile.Name ' Add the filename
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
Next ' End of LOOP
MsgBox "Completed!"
I am simply trying to import the file names as well at the same time , I have tried adapting the code
to import the file name but am not any closer to a solution.

Cells(nextrow, "A").Value = xFile.Name ' Add the filename into column A or column of choice
I am stuck here and not sure how to fix this.
I would be grateful if some one would kindly advise on how I can import the file names at the same time. I would prefer that this macro was adapted so I can simply import in one go, or I don't mind if there is a similar macro that imports the complete text file with its original formatting into a single cell and then the file-names in a separate column.
I have seen macros that can be used to import text file names - but those are separate and standalone. I am bit worried that I may import files and then import the wrong file names with a separate macro.
Thank you so much for your help in advance