Please help, I need vba to email using outlook 2013 specific files to group of people with subject and Message, all information would be on spreadsheet in the row, the code should stop when last row is empty
column a and b has to: email
column c, d, e and f has CC: emil
column g has file name
column h has file location
column I has message that should be included with the email
column J has subject of the email
Please help
to: to: cc: cc: cc: cc:
email address email address email address email address email address email address File Name File Location Message Subject
John@cast.net Andy@cast.net BOB@cast.net Dan@cast.net jj@cast.net BB@cast.net New C:/EmailFile Email to you Hello
John@cast.net Andy@cast.net BOB@cast.net Dan@cast.net jj@cast.net BB@cast.net Old C:/EmailFile Email to US Call me
BB@cast.net Andy@cast.net File1 C:/EmailFile Email to KR Best
Please help, I need vba to email using outlook 2013 specific files to group of people with subject and Message, all information would be on spreadsheet in the row, the code should stop when last row is empty
column a and b has to: email
column c, d, e and f has CC: emil
column g has file name
column h has file location
column I has message that should be included with the email
column J has subject of the email
Please help
to: to: cc: cc: cc: cc:
email address email address email address email address email address email address File Name File Location Message Subject
John@cast.net Andy@cast.net BOB@cast.net Dan@cast.net jj@cast.net BB@cast.net New C:/EmailFile Email to you Hello
John@cast.net Andy@cast.net BOB@cast.net Dan@cast.net jj@cast.net BB@cast.net Old C:/EmailFile Email to US Call me
BB@cast.net Andy@cast.net File1 C:/EmailFile Email to KR Best