In my program there is a loop to create 6 pivot tables based off of 6 individual tabs in a final summary tab. After it creates the first table the program errors giving me Runtime error 5: Invalid Procedure Call or Argument. The line it actually stops on is in bold red below. My first guess was that there is something wrong with the data on the tab that is selected but that does not appear to be the case.
Any streamlining of the code would be appreciated as well. This is my first attempt to create a pivot table in VBA.
Dim TabName(1 To 6), PivotFieldName As String
Dim PrintCell As String
Dim oPC As PivotCache
Dim oPT As PivotTable
Dim oWS, oWS2 As Worksheet
For I = 1 To 6
Set oWS2 = ActiveSheet
UsedCol = Sheets("Summary").UsedRange.Columns.Count
UsedRow = Sheets("Summary").UsedRange.Rows.Count
UsedRowData = oWS2.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If I = 1 Or I = 2 Then
PivotFieldName = "P&L SIC Assumption"
PivotFieldName = "Assumed Segment"
End If
If I = 1 Then
PrintCell = "A2"
PrintCell = "A" & UsedRow + 4
End If
If UsedRowData > 2 Then
Set oPC = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, oWS2.UsedRange)
Set oPT = oPC.CreatePivotTable(oWS.Range(PrintCell), , True)
oPT.AddFields (oPT.PivotFields(PivotFieldName).Name)
oPT = oPT.AddDataField(oPT.PivotFields("HQ Duns"), , xlCount)
oPT = oPT.AddDataField(oPT.PivotFields("Estimated Local Area Employees"), , xlSum)
End If
In my program there is a loop to create 6 pivot tables based off of 6 individual tabs in a final summary tab. After it creates the first table the program errors giving me Runtime error 5: Invalid Procedure Call or Argument. The line it actually stops on is in bold red below. My first guess was that there is something wrong with the data on the tab that is selected but that does not appear to be the case.
Any streamlining of the code would be appreciated as well. This is my first attempt to create a pivot table in VBA.
Dim TabName(1 To 6), PivotFieldName As String
Dim PrintCell As String
Dim oPC As PivotCache
Dim oPT As PivotTable
Dim oWS, oWS2 As Worksheet
For I = 1 To 6
Set oWS2 = ActiveSheet
UsedCol = Sheets("Summary").UsedRange.Columns.Count
UsedRow = Sheets("Summary").UsedRange.Rows.Count
UsedRowData = oWS2.UsedRange.Rows.Count
If I = 1 Or I = 2 Then
PivotFieldName = "P&L SIC Assumption"
PivotFieldName = "Assumed Segment"
End If
If I = 1 Then
PrintCell = "A2"
PrintCell = "A" & UsedRow + 4
End If
If UsedRowData > 2 Then
Set oPC = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(xlDatabase, oWS2.UsedRange)
Set oPT = oPC.CreatePivotTable(oWS.Range(PrintCell), , True)
oPT.AddFields (oPT.PivotFields(PivotFieldName).Name)
oPT = oPT.AddDataField(oPT.PivotFields("HQ Duns"), , xlCount)
oPT = oPT.AddDataField(oPT.PivotFields("Estimated Local Area Employees"), , xlSum)
End If