I have the bit of code below that sends a SQL string to accdb stored on my local disk. I am trying to move the accdb to a sharepoint site (an access web database) at the URL below. The old strPath and strConnection work but I am still struggling to adapt the code to the URL.
Will an ADODB connection even work? If so, then there must be something simple I am overlooking. If not, can anyone point me to other avenues?
Will an ADODB connection even work? If so, then there must be something simple I am overlooking. If not, can anyone point me to other avenues?
'strPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\jdscranton\My Documents\FeedbackDatabase.accdb"
'strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Date Source = " & strPath
Const URL = "[URL]https://omega.jdconsulting.com/lc/bd/drfi/Feedback[/URL] Database/"
'Have also tried Const URL = "[URL]https://omega.jdconsulting.com/lc/bd/drfi/Feedback[/URL]%20Database/"
strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "URL = " & URL
Debug.Print strConnection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
cnn.Open strConnection
cnn.Execute strSQL, lngSuccess