I figure this is a settings issue. When I ran this code on the computer at work I got a nice paste of info on each worksheet - makes it very easy to manipulate the resulting data. When I run the code from home it puts all the data in the "A" column? Any suggestions?
Dim theURL, theFile As String
Dim didItGo As Boolean
Dim Country As String
Dim Cycles As Integer
Dim Filename As String
Dim StartTime As Double
Dim Days_in_Month(1 To 12) As Integer
Dim IE As Object
Dim document, element
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim Name As String
'Timer is used to monitor speed/bugginess of the simulation
StartTime = Timer
Days_in_Month(1) = 31
Days_in_Month(3) = 31
Days_in_Month(4) = 30
Days_in_Month(5) = 31
Days_in_Month(6) = 30
Days_in_Month(7) = 31
Days_in_Month(8) = 31
Days_in_Month(9) = 30
Days_in_Month(10) = 31
Days_in_Month(11) = 30
Days_in_Month(12) = 31
'Start October 25th, 2010
Month_x = 10
Year_x = 2010
Day_of_Month = 25
Wait_Time = 0
Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
Do While Year_x < 2014
If Year_x = 2012 Then
Days_in_Month(2) = 29
Days_in_Month(2) = 28
End If
Do While Month_x < 13
'Here's where I want to go
If Month_x < 10 Then
If Day_of_Month > 9 Then
theURL = "http://www.eex.com/en/Market%20Data/Trading%20Data/Power/Hour%20Contracts%20%7C%20Spot%20Hourly%20Auction/spot-hours-table/" _
& Year_x & "-" & 0 & Month_x & "-" & Day_of_Month & "/EU"
theURL = "http://www.eex.com/en/Market%20Data/Trading%20Data/Power/Hour%20Contracts%20%7C%20Spot%20Hourly%20Auction/spot-hours-table/" _
& Year_x & "-" & 0 & Month_x & "-" & 0 & Day_of_Month & "/EU"
End If
If Day_of_Month > 9 Then
theURL = "http://www.eex.com/en/Market%20Data/Trading%20Data/Power/Hour%20Contracts%20%7C%20Spot%20Hourly%20Auction/spot-hours-table/" _
& Year_x & "-" & Month_x & "-" & Day_of_Month & "/EU"
theURL = "http://www.eex.com/en/Market%20Data/Trading%20Data/Power/Hour%20Contracts%20%7C%20Spot%20Hourly%20Auction/spot-hours-table/" _
& Year_x & "-" & Month_x & "-" & 0 & Day_of_Month & "/EU"
End If
End If
IE.Navigate theURL
IE.Visible = True
While IE.Busy
Application.Wait DateAdd("s", Wait_Time, Now)
IE.ExecWB 17, 0 '// SelectAll
IE.ExecWB 12, 2 '// Copy selection
If Month_x < 10 Then
If Day_of_Month > 9 Then
Name = Year_x & "-" & 0 & Month_x & "-" & Day_of_Month
Name = Year_x & "-" & 0 & Month_x & "-" & 0 & Day_of_Month
End If
If Day_of_Month > 9 Then
Name = Year_x & "-" & Month_x & "-" & Day_of_Month
Name = Year_x & "-" & Month_x & "-" & 0 & Day_of_Month
End If
End If
If Wait_Time = 0 Then
Worksheets.Add().Name = Name
ActiveSheet.Columns.ColumnWidth = 20
End If
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Text", link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False
'ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="HTML", link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False
If Month_x < 10 Then
If Day_of_Month > 9 Then
Name = Year_x & "/" & 0 & Month_x & "/" & Day_of_Month & "|Prices"
Name = Year_x & "/" & 0 & Month_x & "/" & 0 & Day_of_Month & "|Prices"
End If
If Day_of_Month > 9 Then
Name = Year_x & "/" & Month_x & "/" & Day_of_Month & "|Prices"
Name = Year_x & "/" & Month_x & "/" & 0 & Day_of_Month & "|Prices"
End If
End If
If Name <> ActiveSheet.Range("D" & 45) Then
'If Dates don't match the code runs again with a longer wait time
Wait_Time = Wait_Time + 5
If Wait_Time = 20 Then
xxx = xxx
End If
Next_Day_of_Month = Day_of_Month + 7
If Next_Day_of_Month <= Days_in_Month(Month_x) Then
Day_of_Month = Next_Day_of_Month
Day_of_Month = Next_Day_of_Month - Days_in_Month(Month_x)
Month_x = Month_x + 1
End If
'Once the program gets up to the current day it jumps out of the loop
If Year_x = 2013 Then
If Month_x = 2 Then
If Day_of_Month > 14 Then
GoTo Escape_Hatch
End If
End If
End If
Wait_Time = 0
End If
Year_x = Year_x + 1
Month_x = 1
MsgBox Timer - StartTime
End Sub
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