Hi everyone,
I have completely no prior experience in VBA and am a beginner at excel, but I have just discovered the wonders of macros.
I am trying to copy and paste values from variable rows (from Row 5 to Unknown) and fixed columns (A to AF) of a specified sheet (named "Movement") from hundreds of workbooks.
The code shown below (taken from Merging Data from Multiple Workbooks into a Summary Workbook in Excel 2010) allows me to merge data from a fixed range (e.g. A5:C5) from multiple selected workbooks into one sheet.
Qs: Is it possible to set the range of rows copied from the source workbook to be conditional?
(i.e. copy Columns A to AF, starting from Row 5 all the way down until the row where Column J hits a blank cell, after which the macro moves on to the next workbook)
I have been poring over this for days and the affected area (i think?) is highlighted in green and red font below!
Thank you so much for any help!
I have completely no prior experience in VBA and am a beginner at excel, but I have just discovered the wonders of macros.
I am trying to copy and paste values from variable rows (from Row 5 to Unknown) and fixed columns (A to AF) of a specified sheet (named "Movement") from hundreds of workbooks.
The code shown below (taken from Merging Data from Multiple Workbooks into a Summary Workbook in Excel 2010) allows me to merge data from a fixed range (e.g. A5:C5) from multiple selected workbooks into one sheet.
Qs: Is it possible to set the range of rows copied from the source workbook to be conditional?
(i.e. copy Columns A to AF, starting from Row 5 all the way down until the row where Column J hits a blank cell, after which the macro moves on to the next workbook)
I have been poring over this for days and the affected area (i think?) is highlighted in green and red font below!
Thank you so much for any help!
Sub MergeSelectedWorkbooks()
Dim SummarySheet As Worksheet
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim SelectedFiles() As Variant
Dim NRow As Long
Dim FileName As String
Dim NFile As Long
Dim WorkBk As Workbook
Dim SourceRange As Range
Dim DestRange As Range
' Create a new workbook and set a variable to the first sheet.
Set SummarySheet = Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet).Worksheets(1)
' Modify this folder path to point to the files you want to use.
FolderPath = "C:\My Documents"
' Set the current directory to the the folder path.
ChDrive FolderPath
ChDir FolderPath
' Open the file dialog box and filter on Excel files, allowing multiple files
' to be selected.
SelectedFiles = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
filefilter:="Excel Files (*.xl*), *.xl*", MultiSelect:=True)
' NRow keeps track of where to insert new rows in the destination workbook.
NRow = 1
' Loop through the list of returned file names
For NFile = LBound(SelectedFiles) To UBound(SelectedFiles)
' Set FileName to be the current workbook file name to open.
FileName = SelectedFiles(NFile)
' Open the current workbook.
Set WorkBk = Workbooks.Open(FileName)
' Set the cell in column A to be the file name.
SummarySheet.Range("A" & NRow).Value = FileName
[COLOR=#006400]' Set the source range to be A9 through C9.
' Modify this range for your workbooks. It can span multiple rows.
Set SourceRange = WorkBk.Worksheets("Movement").[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]Range("A9:C9")
[/COLOR]' Set the destination range to start at column B and be the same size as the source range.
Set DestRange = SummarySheet.Range("B" & NRow)
Set DestRange = DestRange.Resize(SourceRange.Rows.Count, _
' Copy over the values from the source to the destination.
DestRange.Value = SourceRange.Value
' Increase NRow so that we know where to copy data next.
NRow = NRow + DestRange.Rows.Count
' Close the source workbook without saving changes.
WorkBk.Close savechanges:=False
WorkBk.Close savechanges:=False
Next NFile
' Call AutoFit on the destination sheet so that all data is readable.
End Sub
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