Relative noob, new to the forum at least, so please excuse my ignorance. I have a workbook with multiple sheets, 2 of which I need to copy data from and to (only one way).
Basically the source sheet contains a dynamic list of 'Products' in Column A, a Quantity of said product in Column B, then Column C contains another Quantity. I'm trying to loop down through Column C to find any cells with a quantity in, then copy that value over to the Destination sheet Column G, starting in cell G6. Then I need it to copy and paste the relevant 'Product' name from the row in Source Column A to Destination Column A (same row as the quantity that's been copied). Currently have it all triggered by a commandbutton for testing...
Using the following code I've been successful in copying the first product found, but it seems to stop after this, it doesn't iterate/loop down through the column until no further quantities are found.
I hope I've explained that in enough detail, and it makes some sense!
Any help any of you clever people can provide will be gratefully received. I've spent so much time reading through other threads on multiple forums with no joy. I'm betting it's a simple fix, but I'm blind to what it might be
Here's the code I've been using:
Relative noob, new to the forum at least, so please excuse my ignorance. I have a workbook with multiple sheets, 2 of which I need to copy data from and to (only one way).
Basically the source sheet contains a dynamic list of 'Products' in Column A, a Quantity of said product in Column B, then Column C contains another Quantity. I'm trying to loop down through Column C to find any cells with a quantity in, then copy that value over to the Destination sheet Column G, starting in cell G6. Then I need it to copy and paste the relevant 'Product' name from the row in Source Column A to Destination Column A (same row as the quantity that's been copied). Currently have it all triggered by a commandbutton for testing...
Using the following code I've been successful in copying the first product found, but it seems to stop after this, it doesn't iterate/loop down through the column until no further quantities are found.
I hope I've explained that in enough detail, and it makes some sense!

Any help any of you clever people can provide will be gratefully received. I've spent so much time reading through other threads on multiple forums with no joy. I'm betting it's a simple fix, but I'm blind to what it might be

Here's the code I've been using:
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim shSource As Worksheet, shDest As Worksheet, sourceRng As Range, sourceCell As Range, lr As Long
Dim i As Integer
' Set Source Sheet
Set shSource = Me.Parent.Worksheets("SourceSheet")
'Set Destination Sheet
Set shDest = Me.Parent.Worksheets("DestinationSheet")
'Find Last Row on Source Sheet
lr = shSource.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
'Set Source Sheet Range
Set sourceRng = shSource.Range("C2:C" & lr)
'Find Next Empty Cell of Column G on Destination Sheet
nextFreeCell = shDest.Range("G6:G" & Rows.Count).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Row
'Loop to copy data from Source to Destination
For Each sourceCell In sourceRng
If sourceCell.Value > 0 Then
shDest.Range("G" & nextFreeCell).Value = sourceCell.Value
shDest.Range("A" & nextFreeCell).Value = sourceCell.Offset(, -2).Value
End If
Next sourceCell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub