Is it possible to apply conditional formatting & borders to cells without highlighting / selecting them?
ie. Can I apply conditional formatting (CF) & borders by using .Activate or something similar (instead of .Select)?
I am applying several different CFs to a small range right now by selecting them (using vba). But it is very slow, taking 5-10 seconds to complete, and I can actually watch every step happening.
I will be using the same CFs on a much larger range soon, so I want to speed it up considerably (otherwise i'll have to take a lucn break before it finishes running
An example of my current conditional formatting:ActiveCell.Resize(6, 1).Select
Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlNotBetween, _
Formula1:="=$M$6", Formula2:="=$L$6"
With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = 255
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
An example of my current formatting:
ActiveCell.Resize(6, NumCav).Select
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)..... 'more border conditions follow.
There is a lot more of this going on too....
Is it possible to apply conditional formatting & borders to cells without highlighting / selecting them?
ie. Can I apply conditional formatting (CF) & borders by using .Activate or something similar (instead of .Select)?
I am applying several different CFs to a small range right now by selecting them (using vba). But it is very slow, taking 5-10 seconds to complete, and I can actually watch every step happening.
I will be using the same CFs on a much larger range soon, so I want to speed it up considerably (otherwise i'll have to take a lucn break before it finishes running

An example of my current conditional formatting:ActiveCell.Resize(6, 1).Select
Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlNotBetween, _
Formula1:="=$M$6", Formula2:="=$L$6"
With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.Color = 255
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
An example of my current formatting:
ActiveCell.Resize(6, NumCav).Select
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)..... 'more border conditions follow.
There is a lot more of this going on too....