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I'm trying to set up a simple database with an input tab and a database tab. One of my primary users has a Mac and is experiencing errors when trying to run two of the macros. We are both O365 subscribers; I'm using Excel version 2411. For better or worse, I've used ChatGPT to create and troubleshoot these until they work great for me on Windows. Two issues:
1) a custom sub is not working. The input tab is basically a transposed table, as it's easier to input in a column rather than in a row, for this case. The Load Comps sub transposes into the database tab and Lease_Database table.
2) a JSON converter (downloaded from GitHub) is not working on Mac, though the code appears to work on Mac? I'm using the JSON Converter to geocode using Google API. JSON Converter: GitHub - VBA-tools/VBA-JSON: JSON conversion and parsing for VBA
For 1, here's the vba code. Anyone have any insight as to why it wouldn't work? If I recall from him telling me it didn't work, I think it was the ListObjects?
Happy to post more if needed. Let me know!
1) a custom sub is not working. The input tab is basically a transposed table, as it's easier to input in a column rather than in a row, for this case. The Load Comps sub transposes into the database tab and Lease_Database table.
2) a JSON converter (downloaded from GitHub) is not working on Mac, though the code appears to work on Mac? I'm using the JSON Converter to geocode using Google API. JSON Converter: GitHub - VBA-tools/VBA-JSON: JSON conversion and parsing for VBA
For 1, here's the vba code. Anyone have any insight as to why it wouldn't work? If I recall from him telling me it didn't work, I think it was the ListObjects?
VBA Code:
Sub LeaseLoadComps()
Dim dbWs As Worksheet
Dim dbTable As ListObject
Dim dbHeaders As Range
Dim headerMap As Object
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim rowLabel As String
Dim dbLastRow As Long
Dim userName As String, creationDate As Date
' Set worksheet for Lease Database
Set dbWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Lease Database")
' Get the Lease_Database table dynamically
On Error Resume Next
Set dbTable = dbWs.ListObjects("Lease_Database")
On Error GoTo 0
If dbTable Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Error: Table 'Lease_Database' not found on Lease Database sheet.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If
' Get the header range dynamically
Set dbHeaders = dbTable.HeaderRowRange
' Ensure leaseInputRange is initialized
If leaseInputRange Is Nothing Then
Call LeaseInitializeInputRange
End If
' Find the last row in the Lease_Database table
dbLastRow = dbTable.ListRows.Count + dbHeaders.row + 1
' Create a dictionary to map Lease_Database headers to their respective columns
Set headerMap = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For j = 1 To dbHeaders.Columns.Count
headerMap(dbHeaders.Cells(1, j).value) = dbHeaders.Cells(1, j).Column
Next j
' Fetch user details and timestamp
userName = Environ("Username")
creationDate = Date
' Loop through each column in Input (B to V)
For j = 2 To leaseInputRange.Columns.Count
If leaseInputRange.Cells(1, j).value <> "" Then ' Only process if column has data
' Write the data for the current column into a single row in Lease_Database
For i = 1 To leaseInputRange.Rows.Count
rowLabel = leaseInputRange.Cells(i, 1).value ' Row label from column B in leaseInputRange
If headerMap.Exists(rowLabel) Then
dbWs.Cells(dbLastRow, headerMap(rowLabel)).value = leaseInputRange.Cells(i, j).value
Debug.Print "No match found for row label: " & rowLabel
End If
Next i
' Populate GlobalID, CreationDate, Creator
dbWs.Cells(dbLastRow, headerMap("GlobalID")).value = CreateGlobalID()
dbWs.Cells(dbLastRow, headerMap("CreationDate")).value = creationDate
dbWs.Cells(dbLastRow, headerMap("Creator")).value = userName
' Move to the next row for the next column in Input
dbLastRow = dbLastRow + 1
End If
Next j
End Sub
Happy to post more if needed. Let me know!