VBA codes slow execution?


New Member
May 20, 2013
Why is this code executing so slow?

Sub AIPlacing()

Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim row As Integer
Dim row2 As Integer
Dim row3 As Integer
Dim row4 As Integer
Dim column As Integer
Dim column2 As Integer
Dim column3 As Integer
Dim column4 As Integer
Dim AIDirection As String
Dim checker As Boolean
Dim length As Integer
Dim numoftiles As Single


x = 0
y = 0

For x = 9 To 18
For y = 24 To 33
Sheet2.Cells(x, y) = ""
Next y
Next x

x = 0
y = 0

length = 4
row = Sheet2.Cells(28, 6)
column = Sheet2.Cells(28, 6)

Sheet2.Cells(3, 2) = row
Sheet2.Cells(4, 2) = column

row = Sheet2.Cells(3, 2)
column = Sheet2.Cells(4, 2)

If row - length > 0 Then
Sheet2.Cells(27, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(27, 9) = ""
End If
If row + length <= 10 Then
Sheet2.Cells(28, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(28, 9) = ""
End If
If column - length > 0 Then
Sheet2.Cells(29, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(29, 9) = ""
End If
If column + length <= 10 Then
Sheet2.Cells(30, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(30, 9) = ""
End If


Sheet2.Cells(1, 4) = Sheet2.Cells(30, 6)
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(1, 4)

If AIDirection = "Up" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(3, 2 + x) = row - x
Sheet2.Cells(4, 2 + x) = column
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(3, 2 + x) = row + x
Sheet2.Cells(4, 2 + x) = column
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(3, 2 + x) = row
Sheet2.Cells(4, 2 + x) = column - x
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Right" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(3, 2 + x) = row
Sheet2.Cells(4, 2 + x) = column + x
Next x

End If

length = 3

row2 = Sheet2.Cells(32, 6)
column2 = Sheet2.Cells(32, 6)

Sheet2.Cells(8, 2) = row2
Sheet2.Cells(9, 2) = column2

row2 = Sheet2.Cells(8, 2)
column2 = Sheet2.Cells(9, 2)

For a = 1 To length + 1
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(8, b + 1) = row2 - (b - 1)
Sheet2.Cells(9, b + 1) = column2
If Sheet2.Cells(8, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(9, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row2 - length > 0 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(31, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(31, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 1
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(8, b + 1) = row2 + (b - 1)
Sheet2.Cells(9, b + 1) = column2
If Sheet2.Cells(8, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(9, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row2 + length <= 10 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(32, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(32, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 1
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(8, b + 1) = row2
Sheet2.Cells(9, b + 1) = column2 - (b - 1)
If Sheet2.Cells(8, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(9, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If column2 - length > 0 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(33, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(33, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 1
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(8, b + 1) = row2
Sheet2.Cells(9, b + 1) = column2 + (b - 1)
If Sheet2.Cells(8, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(9, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If column2 + length <= 10 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(34, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(34, 9) = ""
End If
Loop Until Sheet2.Cells(34, 6) <> ""


Sheet2.Cells(6, 4) = Sheet2.Cells(34, 6)
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(6, 4)
x = 0
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(8, 2 + x) = row2 - x
Sheet2.Cells(9, 2 + x) = column2
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(8, 2 + x) = row2 + x
Sheet2.Cells(9, 2 + x) = column2
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(8, 2 + x) = row2
Sheet2.Cells(9, 2 + x) = column2 - x
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Right" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(8, 2 + x) = row2
Sheet2.Cells(9, 2 + x) = column2 + x
Next x

End If

length = 2

row3 = Sheet2.Cells(36, 6)
column3 = Sheet2.Cells(36, 6)

Sheet2.Cells(13, 2) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(14, 2) = column3

row3 = Sheet2.Cells(13, 2)
column3 = Sheet2.Cells(14, 2)

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = row3 - (b - 1)
Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = column3
If (Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 - length > 0 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(35, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(35, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = row3 + (b - 1)
Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = column3
If (Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 + length <= 10 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(36, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(36, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = column3 - (b - 1)
If (Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 - length > 0 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(37, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(37, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = column3 + (b - 1)
If (Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(13, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(14, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 + length <= 10 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(38, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(38, 9) = ""
End If

Loop Until Sheet2.Cells(38, 6) <> ""


Sheet2.Cells(11, 4) = Sheet2.Cells(38, 6)
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(11, 4)
x = 0
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(13, 2 + x) = row3 - x
Sheet2.Cells(14, 2 + x) = column3
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(13, 2 + x) = row3 + x
Sheet2.Cells(14, 2 + x) = column3
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(13, 2 + x) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(14, 2 + x) = column3 - x
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Right" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(13, 2 + x) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(14, 2 + x) = column3 + x
Next x

End If

length = 2

row3 = Sheet2.Cells(40, 6)
column3 = Sheet2.Cells(40, 6)

Sheet2.Cells(18, 2) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(19, 2) = column3

row3 = Sheet2.Cells(18, 2)
column3 = Sheet2.Cells(19, 2)

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = row3 - (b - 1)
Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = column3
If (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(13, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(14, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 - length > 0 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(39, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(39, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = row3 + (b - 1)
Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = column3
If (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(13, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(14, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 + length <= 10 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(40, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(40, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = column3 - (b - 1)
If (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(13, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(14, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 - length > 0 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(41, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(41, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = column3 + (b - 1)
If (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(18, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(13, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(19, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(14, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 + length <= 10 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(42, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(42, 9) = ""
End If

Loop Until Sheet2.Cells(42, 6) <> ""


Sheet2.Cells(16, 4) = Sheet2.Cells(42, 6)
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(16, 4)
x = 0
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(18, 2 + x) = row3 - x
Sheet2.Cells(19, 2 + x) = column3
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(18, 2 + x) = row3 + x
Sheet2.Cells(19, 2 + x) = column3
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(18, 2 + x) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(19, 2 + x) = column3 - x
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Right" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(18, 2 + x) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(19, 2 + x) = column3 + x
Next x

End If

length = 1

row3 = Sheet2.Cells(44, 6)
column3 = Sheet2.Cells(44, 6)

Sheet2.Cells(23, 2) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(24, 2) = column3

row3 = Sheet2.Cells(23, 2)
column3 = Sheet2.Cells(24, 2)

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = row3 - (b - 1)
Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = column3
If (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(13, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(14, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(18, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(19, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 - length > 0 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(43, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(43, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = row3 + (b - 1)
Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = column3
If (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(13, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(14, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(18, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(19, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 + length <= 10 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(44, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(44, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = column3 - (b - 1)
If (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(13, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(14, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(18, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(19, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 - length > 0 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(45, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(45, 9) = ""
End If

For a = 1 To length + 2
For b = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = column3 + (b - 1)
If (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(3, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(4, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(8, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(9, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(13, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(14, a + 1)) Or (Sheet2.Cells(23, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(18, a + 1) And Sheet2.Cells(24, b + 1) = Sheet2.Cells(19, a + 1)) Then
checker = False
checker = True
End If
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next b
If checker = False Then Exit For
Next a

If row3 + length <= 10 And checker = True Then
Sheet2.Cells(46, 9) = "=RAND()"
Sheet2.Cells(46, 9) = ""
End If

Loop Until Sheet2.Cells(46, 6) <> ""


Sheet2.Cells(21, 4) = Sheet2.Cells(46, 6)
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(21, 4)
x = 0
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(23, 2 + x) = row3 - x
Sheet2.Cells(24, 2 + x) = column3
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(23, 2 + x) = row3 + x
Sheet2.Cells(24, 2 + x) = column3
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(23, 2 + x) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(24, 2 + x) = column3 - x
Next x

ElseIf AIDirection = "Right" Then
For x = 1 To length
Sheet2.Cells(23, 2 + x) = row3
Sheet2.Cells(24, 2 + x) = column3 + x
Next x

End If

row = 8
column = 23

x = 0
row2 = Sheet2.Cells(3, 2) + row
column2 = Sheet2.Cells(4, 2) + column
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(1, 4)
Do Until x = 5
x = x + 1
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 + 1 - x, column2) = "A"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 - 1 + x, column2) = "A"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 + 1 - x) = "A"
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 - 1 + x) = "A"
End If

x = 0
row2 = Sheet2.Cells(8, 2) + row
column2 = Sheet2.Cells(9, 2) + column
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(6, 4)
Do Until x = 4
x = x + 1
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 + 1 - x, column2) = "B"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 - 1 + x, column2) = "B"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 + 1 - x) = "B"
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 - 1 + x) = "B"
End If

x = 0
row2 = Sheet2.Cells(13, 2) + row
column2 = Sheet2.Cells(14, 2) + column
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(11, 4)
Do Until x = 3
x = x + 1
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 + 1 - x, column2) = "F"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 - 1 + x, column2) = "F"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 + 1 - x) = "F"
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 - 1 + x) = "F"
End If

x = 0
row2 = Sheet2.Cells(18, 2) + row
column2 = Sheet2.Cells(19, 2) + column
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(16, 4)
Do Until x = 3
x = x + 1
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 + 1 - x, column2) = "S"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 - 1 + x, column2) = "S"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 + 1 - x) = "S"
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 - 1 + x) = "S"
End If

x = 0
row2 = Sheet2.Cells(23, 2) + row
column2 = Sheet2.Cells(24, 2) + column
AIDirection = Sheet2.Cells(21, 4)
Do Until x = 2
x = x + 1
If AIDirection = "Up" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 + 1 - x, column2) = "C"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Down" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2 - 1 + x, column2) = "C"
ElseIf AIDirection = "Left" Then
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 + 1 - x) = "C"
Sheet2.Cells(row2, column2 - 1 + x) = "C"
End If

x = 0
y = 0

numoftiles = 0
For x = 9 To 18
For y = 24 To 33
If Sheet2.Cells(x, y) <> "" Then numoftiles = numoftiles + 1
Next y
Next x

Loop Until numoftiles = 17
End Sub
The code is very inefficient. For example, this does 100 writes to the worksheet:

        For x = 9 To 18
            For y = 24 To 33
                Sheet2.Cells(x, y) = ""
            Next y
        Next x

This does one:


Whatever you're doing throughout the code could be done in arrays in memory and then written to the sheet once.
Upvote 0
Thank you for the quick reply! I'm fairly new to VBA so I don't know much yet. Can you give me more advice on arrays?
Upvote 0

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